Star Wars Discussion / Re: Dark Times are ahead for Star Wars
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:40:44 AM »Disney had better be careful with the next few Star Wars movies they make. They may be in dangerous territory with some of the fan base. Looking at Rotten Tomatoes, I see that only 49% of audience members liked The Last Jedi. Critics seemed to like the film (91%), but a lot of fans really seemed to not like it. So it does seem to be a little more than the hardcore fans like ourselves who are a bit weary of Disney.
Just using the stats when it suits your case. There’s been reports of review bombing attempts for the Last Jedi because it had asian, black, and female protagonists. So the reviews on RT are not completely credibile for that reason, and also because people likely to review a movie are ones more concerned with quality to begin with, while many average movie goers, even if they hate a movie, simply don’t.
For example, I’ve spent hours extolling my hatred for TFA, dedciated a few days worth of my life to it. And never have I once gave it a bad review on any offical site. So yeah, the stats aren’t always reliable.
Secondly, and the real reason that your post irks me so nuch, is the complete and utter fact that it’s cherry picking stats. TFA has after the year since it’s release an 88% approval rating by audience, and somehow a 93% by critics. And that movie was terrible. Great for Mr. Peutro who has a compelling arguement for liking the movie, but overall terrible. So can you really trust the stats when you consider all that?