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Commit Name: 2.2.5 ReleaseGC Name: Isards RevengeFaction: Imperial RemenantDescription: Attacking Lusankya at Pahani, I used an escort carrier as bait and then dropped several VSDIIs (6?), 2 lancers and maybe 2 ISDs behind the SSD, and began destroying it without taking any damage. Game began lagging/stuttering every few seconds and would eventually crash at random points, always before destroying the SSD. I tried to win multiple times from an in-battle save, but in the end the second the last turbolaser on the Lusankya was destroyed the game would crash. Every 2-3 times when I would try to save my progress in-fight I would get an error saving saying that there was insufficient disk space and the save game would be deleted.Finally I reloaded from an auto-save and reattempted the fight. I did not bring in any ISDs, just VSDIIs. All of my fighters were shot down quickly (whereas I had about 8 squadrons of bombers through the entire previous attempt) and the game did not lag or crash when the Lusankya was destroyed.Note- I tried setting all of the graphics down to low, so it's not a video card issue