Compare the Original Movies, the Prequel Movies, the cartoon CW and the animated TCW. The former three can be watched by child and yet the adult can found something for them in it. Each screen of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars had strenght, not just filler to go up to 20 min.
Are you kidding ?
Big picture with battle of no more than 50 participants, Ashoka seeking her lightsaber, Gungan diplomacy, zombies, Godzilla-like, Obi-Wan faking his death or Dooku and ANakin tied together by a band of pirates ?
Mandalorian pacifists is no fan service, it's fan insult... And so on with Vos, Ventress, Barriss, Aura Sing, the Night sisters,...
Sure if we live in a world where you need a movie every year (even if the quality suffers from that) to people have interest in something
Ahah I noticed I got a -2 today for telling my view of TCW, I feel some get butthurt by a reality check on it
-What constitutes as filler to you? I can argue that both cartoons are entirely filler because neither advances the bigger picture set up by episode 2 and pays of in episode 3.
-The show didn't really have the budget to portray massive battles, and by no way am I trying to come off as mean or offensive, but you sound like someone who hate change, it's different so I don't like it. Yes, some things were bad, but ultimately, the new direction taken on these old concepts ultimately makes them more interesting in the long run. (Bariss was the bare minimum of a character in legends, I'm amazed that what was essentially a background character got so much attention in the show.) Also, you can't list want you can consider to be "disrespectful changes" and ignore the storylines that are universally agreed upon to be excellent additions to the lore because of the new depth they provide to things like the clone troopers, Maul, and the Force.
-Movies drive merchandise, not saying there needs to be a new movie every year, but some sense of direction for the material. Star Wars was dying in the early 90's, it wasn't for The Thrawn Trilogy renewing people's interest in the franchise, its very likely that other material that came out after and before the special edition release would not have been made. The prequels then renewed a common interest in Star Wars, and after they were done, the fall off of general interest in Star Wars was even quicker, if anything, before disney bought out Lucas, TCW kept Star Wars relevant.
-It suck that you're getting negative karma for speaking your mind. I don't really see your POV, but I can respect it. As someone who writes argumentative almost everyday, here's what I think. You need to make your arguments stronger, "filler" all by itself doesn't describe anything and it sounds petty, and just listing off things you didn't like with no details also doesn't help strengthen your opinion. I don't think you're getting hate because of you're opinion, but because you don't make a strong enough argument for it and as a result you come off as childish.