Finally switched over to the steam version of the game and I ran into an amusing but game breaking bug where I was backseeting an AI in a GC.
It was Final Imperial Push as Empire and I paused right away to set up all of my buildings and turn on cruel ai. Then when I unpause the AI is there moving all of the my units around and buying things and well, generally playing as if I wasn't there.
It was like having a spectator mode where I got to watch how an AI plays the game and with all of their economy buffs. I could still issue orders and buy things like normal, there was just two people in control at the same time. The ai launched attacks on planets and would command the battle as well., unrelated the GC thing but whenever I try to quit the game on the steam version it just locks up and I have to Alt-Tab and kill the process. Not sure what that's about.
Is it possible my disk version of the game is somehow conflicting with the steam version of the game? I had assumed that as far as my computer was concerned that they were two separate entities and it wouldn't matter.