Hello, one of my favorite features in Thrawn's revenge (besides basically how awesome everything about it is) is the boarding system. I love using the boarding shuttles, and when I'm the empire, I make sure to spam them out as much as possible during the era that I can, and I just perpetually do so with the new republic.
Something that confuses me is why the Empire of the Hand doesn't also have boarding shuttles. I feel like more than any faction they would be ones to use boarding shuttles, since in legends, they were largely in the unknown region, invisible to the main factions, so they could just slyly nab
ships under the factions noses in legends, so my thought process is that first off, it's super fun to do boarding, second, I love building fleets using multiple factions' ships, and third, it seems like the Empire of the hand would have boarding shuttles, especially since Thrawn had no shame
in boarding and stealing other factions' ships, the Empire of the Hand would have inherited that philosophy as well, and would thusly have boarding shuttles. That is my suggestion and rationale for it.
A separate matter related to boarding is the inability to board the Hapan ships. Why is this the case? I have tried to board Hapes ships every time an update came out, and was sad that I couldn't. I love that the raid fleets can have their ships boarded, and always have fun nabbing the kedelbae ships
whenever I play a faction that can board ships.
But generally speaking, I want more boarding, I love it. Also, what determines how many tries it takes to get a ship? It seems to be based largely on chance as far as I can tell, and I'm quite curious as to what determines this. I look forward to any responses! And/or more boarding...