As the title says what are some cheap and effective fleets you can put togather.? Here are a couple I have tested.
Imperial Era 5
15 TIE Defenders
30 Preybirds
TIE Defenders got nerfed not to long ago They are still good, just not worth building that many of them. However when combined with Preybirds that are cheap enough, effective enough and can take some hits, This fleet costs 21750 credits.
And the other one.
Cheap And Cheerful Carriers- Zsinj
5 Lucrehulks (3200 each with adviser)
10 Escort Carriers (around 1700)
Total coast is around 32k. Scary thing is this fleet can chew up some serious fleets. For the low low price of hald a fleet of capitals you can annihilate a Validusia space staiton, a couple of Torpedo spheres+ 2 ISD II+ base defense+ support ships.