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Author Topic: Full Demo Rundown  (Read 53229 times)

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January 18, 2017, 01:35:28 PM

Offline Corey

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Full Demo Rundown
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:35:28 PM »
    We said with the demo announcement we'd do a full rundown of changes included in the demo when we get closer. Well, we're closer.

    To re-iterate on the announcement post for those who didn't see it, not only should this give something to hold everyone over until release, but if we've messed something up, we'll have ample time and feedback to adjust it as we go. This will be especially useful for balancing feedback; there have been plenty of balancing changes which should be pulling the mod in the direction we want, however the exact numbers are certainly still up in the air, and the demo will give us a good amount of feedback to adjust from the current new baseline. There are a ton of changes being made in 2.2, probably more than in any previous version (including 1.0, and the huge jump between 1.3 and 2.0), so the more feedback we can get in one GC as a testbed, the more easily we can make changes without them already being embedded in ~19 other scenarios.

    Here's the basic overview of what to expect compared to 2.1, as well as a bit of a projection to the full 2.2. Keep in mind, everything (especially in the full 2.2) is subject to change. Content may be added or removed as time and priority allow, especially when it comes to additional units.

    Demo Content
    Play as the New Republic, Warlord Zsinj, or the Greater Maldrood in the revamped Hunt for Zsinj Galactic Conquest scenario.

    Playable Factions:
    New Republic: (Only new content listed)
    • 2.2 Demo - Wraith Squadron, MC80 Home One Type, Dauntless Heavy Cruiser, Quasars allow for X-Wing use on ground.
    • Coming in Full 2.2 - Republic Star Destroyer

    Warlord Zsinj: (New in green)
    • Space- ISDI, ISDII, Executor, CR90, Nebulon-B, Nebulon-B2, Carrack, Dreadnaught, Gladiator, Neutron Star, Strike Cruiser, Acclamator, Quasar, Dominator, Lucrehulk, Allegiance, VSD
    • Ground - TIE Fighter, A6 Juggernaut, AT-TE, Nightsister, 2M Repulsortank, AT-ST, ULAV, IDT, SPMAT, Jump Trooper, TIE Crawler, Raptor Troopers, Stormtroopers, Hailfire, Droideka, Shock Troopers, Raptor Scout

    Greater Maldrood: (New in green)
    • Space- Bellator, Crimson Command VSDII, Procursator, IPV, ISDII, ISDI, Ton-Falk, ProvidenceArquitens, Interceptor IV, Neutron Star, Dreadnaught, Immobilizer, Crusader Corvette, Providence, Secutor, Allegiance, VSDI, ARC-170
    • Ground - AT-AT, AT-PT, TIE Crawler, Bantha II, ISP, AT-AP, Stormtroopers, SPMAT, Shock Troopers, Jump Troopers, T-16 (Thanks Farseer), TX-130, A9 Floating Fortress, Specialist, AT-AA, LAAT
    • Coming in Full 2.2 - Sorannan Star Destroyer, Army Troopers

    New Non-Playable Factions: (Emergent upon Zsinj death)
    Corporate Sector Authority:
    • Space- Lucrehulk, VSDI, VSDII, Marauder Cruiser, Dreadnaught
    • Ground - B1 Battledroid, Droideka

    The full 2.2 will include various changes for other existing factions, the new playable Eriadu Authority, and a few other non-playables. More details will be discussed separately for these.

    AI Changes:
    • AI will properly stack fleets instead of sending waves of smaller fleets. Also higher fleet and ground force requirements for attacks to occur.
    • Fleets should no longer take the longest possible route they can figure out around the galaxy.
    • AI defense fleets will not sit under space stations.

    Graphical Changes:
    • Most if not all particles and projectiles have been overhauled. Firing rates for all ships also reduced (and power adjusted accordingly) so fire is no longer in sheets.
    • New HUD style. Full UI rework in progress for full version, including many icons. Several icons in the demo are just placeholders.
    • All space backgrounds redone.
    • Beginning work on damage particles and death clones
    • Redone models: Munificent, Battle Dragon, Vindicator, Immobilizer, Quasar, Ton Falk, ISDI, ISDII, VSDI, VSDII, CR90, Nebulon-B, Venator, Acclamator, Lambda, Bothan Assault Cruiser, almost every TIE or Letter-wing fighter.
    • Models being redone for full version: Providence, Executor, Dreadnaught, Secutor, Lucrehulk, Strike Cruiser, Nova Cruiser (others as well, these are just the ones currently in progress)

    Gameplay Changes:
    • Story events: Several story events exist for each faction, especially the New Republic. Each campaign is intended to have one major storyline, and then we'll expand from there. In Hunt for Zsinj, it revolves around killing Zsinj and, for the New Republic, recruiting the Hapans. Factions can emerge and disappear based on these events.
    • Ground unit speed reduced to normal. Many larger, worse mod maps replaced with base game maps.
    • Testing a unit upkeep cost mechanic, provided it doesn't reduce AI desire to build ships (has to work just as well in large scenarios like Art of War, as well as smaller starts like FTGU, so may not last).
    • Battle styles/events:
      • Raid Fleets: Now temporarily prevent retreat and give more obvious warning of when they occur.
      • At least 3 other battle events and styles planned for the full release.
    • Fewer ground slots on most planets, economic structures limited to 3 per planet.
    • Infantry changes:
      • Infantry in companies now individually commanded.
      • Infantry can fire while running.
      • Infantry companies now come with different roles included: scouts, medics and grenadiers included in main infantry company. Heavy repeaters coming in full 2.2.
      • Each primary infantry company comes with a captain who provides a combat bonus.
      • Jedi units given berserk ability to adjust for melee being terrible.
      • Coming in Full 2.2: New Republic infantry models to be redone, including species diversity.
    • Having small carriers in orbit (ie Ton-Falk, Quasar) allows use of a fighter on ground. If destroyed, the carrier dies as well.
    • Fixed issue with prison script preventing all alien civilian spawns (Wookies, Duros, Mon Cal, etc should all now spawn properly)
    • Rate of turn adjusted for capital ships. Larger ships should now turn more slowly. Firing cones also being adjusted.
    • Ground balancing:
      • All company numbers adjusted.
      • Rockets now generally very effective against armour and structures, really bad against infantry. Very high cooldown. Essentially a buff to IFTX, AAC, Plex Troopers, LAAT, IDT, etc.
      • Air units now significantly more vulnerable to various units, some stat changes.
      • Full 2.2: XR-85 Droid tanks ("Death Lasers") significantly nerfed (unit not present in demo).
      • Full 2.2: All Empire of the Hand vehicles nerfed, brought into line with other factions. Full EotH ground rework tentatively planned for 2.3
    • Buildings have anti-infantry turrets. Other types being considered for full 2.2.
    • Coming in full 2.2: Full review of abilities and bonuses for units, heroes and planets
    • Coming in full 2.2: Research system implemented for New Republic, Remnant and Empire of the Hand in addition to era system
    • Coming in full 2.2: Era system expanded beyond just hero death. Different conditions and consequences apply to losing Imperial leader. Imperial players can also choose to change eras manually in some cases.

    • Documentation
      • Unit and hero text will now directly list bonuses and fighter spawns.
      • Doing a new pass on planet, unit and hero text.
      • Raid fleets give a better indicator of when they're coming and what they are.
      • Tech tree displays being reworked
    [li]Working on VO for as many units and heroes as we can[/li][/list]

    This isn't exhaustive for the full 2.2, however should cover the main points of the demo. As for a release date, we should be releasing the demo in February.

    « Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 11:55:53 PM by Corey »
    I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about mod development and gaming, do tutorials, and Let's Plays. If you like the content, consider supporting it on Patreon

    January 18, 2017, 02:05:52 PMReply #1

    Offline StarBornMichaelh165

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 02:05:52 PM »
    Finally I can't wait to play the Demo Thanks Corey.
    Greetings my people and welcome to the United Species Republic. Come and join the Republic that is not Like any Republic you never know before come join today. Oh and check out my YouTube and my Fan Fiction Profile OK Everyone.
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    January 18, 2017, 02:22:38 PMReply #2

    Offline tlmiller

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 02:22:38 PM »
    AI Changes:
    • Fleets should no longer take the longest possible route they can figure out around the galaxy.
    • AI defense fleets will not sit under space stations.

    Those 2 changes alone would be absolutely awesome even if nothing else changed.  Sounding like a lot of great updates for 2.2
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    January 18, 2017, 05:07:35 PMReply #3

    Offline Helix345

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #3 on: January 18, 2017, 05:07:35 PM »
    • Having small carriers in orbit (ie Ton-Falk, Quasar) allows use of a fighter on ground. If destroyed, the carrier dies as well.

    So are these fighters brought in as reinforcements? How powerful are they? This sounds really cool.

    January 18, 2017, 05:09:56 PMReply #4

    Offline Corey

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #4 on: January 18, 2017, 05:09:56 PM »
    They're brought in the same way you handle any other units, but they're built on the space tab and their transport is a unit in its own right. It's like a Han/Chewie situation. They're very powerful, but you only get one, and air units are a lot more vulnerable generally.
    I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about mod development and gaming, do tutorials, and Let's Plays. If you like the content, consider supporting it on Patreon

    January 18, 2017, 07:29:59 PMReply #5

    Offline DarthRevansRevenge

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #5 on: January 18, 2017, 07:29:59 PM »
    this is amazing!!!! too bad the carrier dies with the fighters, but that is probably for balancing reasons. this will be like playing a whole new game
    do you know what really makes me mad? that the NR didn't make as many different SSDs as the empire. they would have won much faster had they done so. it's just not fair. but, if their were more NR SSDs, they would be absolute SUPER-CARRIERS.

    but, i'm a member of the PA at heart, and my wish here is to join the ranks of grand admirals... sorry, the elite imperial alignment

    January 18, 2017, 07:30:42 PMReply #6

    Offline DarthRevansRevenge

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #6 on: January 18, 2017, 07:30:42 PM »
    question: will Mon Calamari get redone? i'm always aggravated that it has only 3 build slots
    do you know what really makes me mad? that the NR didn't make as many different SSDs as the empire. they would have won much faster had they done so. it's just not fair. but, if their were more NR SSDs, they would be absolute SUPER-CARRIERS.

    but, i'm a member of the PA at heart, and my wish here is to join the ranks of grand admirals... sorry, the elite imperial alignment

    January 18, 2017, 07:36:21 PMReply #7

    Offline Helix345

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #7 on: January 18, 2017, 07:36:21 PM »
    They're brought in the same way you handle any other units, but they're built on the space tab and their transport is a unit in its own right. It's like a Han/Chewie situation. They're very powerful, but you only get one, and air units are a lot more vulnerable generally.

    So by having a carrier, you get a fighter as reinforcements?

    January 18, 2017, 07:41:45 PMReply #8

    Offline DarthRevansRevenge

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #8 on: January 18, 2017, 07:41:45 PM »
    seems like it. you do know this is in alliance mod, right?
    do you know what really makes me mad? that the NR didn't make as many different SSDs as the empire. they would have won much faster had they done so. it's just not fair. but, if their were more NR SSDs, they would be absolute SUPER-CARRIERS.

    but, i'm a member of the PA at heart, and my wish here is to join the ranks of grand admirals... sorry, the elite imperial alignment

    January 18, 2017, 07:56:25 PMReply #9

    Offline Pentastar Enforcer

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #9 on: January 18, 2017, 07:56:25 PM »
    So I'm still confused about the fighter reinforcements, are they handled like LAAT Gunships? How do you recruit them and bring them into battle? How do they affect pop cap?
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    January 18, 2017, 08:06:56 PMReply #10

    Offline Corey

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #10 on: January 18, 2017, 08:06:56 PM »
    You buy a Quasar. The Quasar is a space unit, the same as it always has been. If you're in a ground battle with the Quasar in orbit, you can bring down an X-Wing in the exact same way you can bring down any other unit. It's literally the exact same thing as Luke being Luke on the ground and flying an X-Wing in space, only it's an X-Wing on the ground and a carrier in space.
    I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about mod development and gaming, do tutorials, and Let's Plays. If you like the content, consider supporting it on Patreon

    January 18, 2017, 11:01:43 PMReply #11

    Offline Bucman55

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #11 on: January 18, 2017, 11:01:43 PM »
    Oh wow, B-1s for the CSA. I would have expected to see their police dudes or whatever they're called. Also I'm a little surprised Zsinj is getting the Providence.

    January 19, 2017, 05:45:30 AMReply #12

    Offline Labria

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #12 on: January 19, 2017, 05:45:30 AM »
    So many good changes.  8=)
    What happen to Invincible? Do you still plan add this ship to mod?

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    January 19, 2017, 12:47:19 PMReply #13

    Offline Mr.Puerto

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #13 on: January 19, 2017, 12:47:19 PM »
    Did you purposely leave at the IR event out of the run down or has that been taken out?
    “In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exist, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.“

    January 19, 2017, 12:58:34 PMReply #14

    Offline Slornie

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #14 on: January 19, 2017, 12:58:34 PM »
    Did you purposely leave at the IR event out of the run down or has that been taken out?
    The IR is not a new faction but more importantly for the purposes of this GC/Demo is not playable and does not benefit materially from any new content.
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    why do u hate america? if it were not for us u guys would be lost. i mean we invented the tv, we invented the internet, cars and we even went to the planet moon. we won all the wars and we always help the little countries who cant fight and we give food to poor people.

    January 19, 2017, 02:13:55 PMReply #15

    Offline DarthRevansRevenge

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #15 on: January 19, 2017, 02:13:55 PM »
    so, nothing new for us to face from them in HTZ?
    do you know what really makes me mad? that the NR didn't make as many different SSDs as the empire. they would have won much faster had they done so. it's just not fair. but, if their were more NR SSDs, they would be absolute SUPER-CARRIERS.

    but, i'm a member of the PA at heart, and my wish here is to join the ranks of grand admirals... sorry, the elite imperial alignment

    January 19, 2017, 05:24:02 PMReply #16

    Offline Pali

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 05:24:02 PM »
    The IR is essentially part of the NR for the HTZ campaign to reflect the Solo-Rogriss alliance.  It isn't in that campaign as its own faction at all.

    January 19, 2017, 10:13:36 PMReply #17

    Offline Bucman55

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #17 on: January 19, 2017, 10:13:36 PM »
    The IR is essentially part of the NR for the HTZ campaign to reflect the Solo-Rogriss alliance.  It isn't in that campaign as its own faction at all.
    Not at the start no, but they split off when Zsinj is killed. Still, as you said, they are unplayable in that GC.

    January 20, 2017, 11:02:44 AMReply #18

    Offline DarthRevansRevenge

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #18 on: January 20, 2017, 11:02:44 AM »
    exactly. which is why i asked. because we will still fight them
    do you know what really makes me mad? that the NR didn't make as many different SSDs as the empire. they would have won much faster had they done so. it's just not fair. but, if their were more NR SSDs, they would be absolute SUPER-CARRIERS.

    but, i'm a member of the PA at heart, and my wish here is to join the ranks of grand admirals... sorry, the elite imperial alignment

    January 20, 2017, 06:04:12 PMReply #19

    Offline c7x8z4

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    Re: Full Demo Rundown
    « Reply #19 on: January 20, 2017, 06:04:12 PM »
    What's the status of diplomacy for the demo? And 2.2?


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