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Author Topic: Another praji review and hopes for 2.2 and beyond  (Read 1243 times)

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December 28, 2016, 08:07:00 PM

Offline commander praji

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Another praji review and hopes for 2.2 and beyond
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:07:00 PM »
So been playing civil war again and unlike my very first positive reviews this will be a mixed of of furless lothcats (imagining it cute) so as of right now I think the factions could use more ground diversity mainly the republic when it comes to infantry . Playing them and they are too xenophobic for my liking mainly because it's just new rep troopers and vanguards and the troopers are not even in that cooler armor (the one with the slide up visor ) where are mah wookies :4 or my sexy twileks  I thought the space Nazis where the only humans only at least adding more of spec force would be welcomed like the Marines or a group like katarn commandos  or maybe even a eweb equivalent since the imps in my game have a nasty habit of spamming these fuckers at choke points and I have to bring in my big guns earlier than expected also the Jedi are a joke same with the dark Jedi they are too weak to be any use and hope team Thrawn buffs up their damage n deflect  not as much as mara or luke but enough to where they mean something
For the imps a more imperial love of the hand is more welcomed since I doubt thrawn had thousands and thousands of chiss to send to their death unless I skipped a book .

Right now like my last review ships seen fair but the ship firing rate puts my poor computer into a seizure just a big blanket of red or green death . Been watching our god emperor with the previews and it seems to me like my problems will be solved with 2.2

Watching the previews I have noticed team Thrawn have taken a page from the clone wars mod and split the platoons into individual soldiers which is somewhat appealing to me since I don't need to worry about a bombing run catching the guys at the rear losing half my men .

Much to our god emperor's displeasure I've returned to screaming for troopers but have since relented since I was looking at it from a game play point of view in universe the warlords would no doubt have as many of each division of the trooper corps their fat greedy little arms could take but from a game play point of view it would be insane and mainly just fan service saying they need to fill a certain role in civil war and eye candy is no excuse ; a example would be Corey said there would be a higher chance of my beloved incinerator trooper (basically a less expensive flame tank or for a faction that doesn't have one ) than a trooper like lets say the magma or swamp trooper or even EVO troopers .

On to droid units , like a pissed off jawa you slept with and  just dumped I am a little agitated that zinsj is getting droidekas but Corey has pimp slapped me into place by clearly stating along with slornie and kusic that while there are mentions of my baby the dwarf spider droid working along side the Corp , b1s and b3s used by imperials and the republic getting b2s  ALOT of CSI toys were scrapped .

Now I the last on my mind is a crime faction or maybe we can play as boba fett and the mandalorians ala ROM . I miss the keldabe its like the big ugly buttered squash at Christmas dinner but it would be incomplete without it ... now I am not saying bring the zann consort back ..hell no, their story always confused me but maybe as the black sun or the hutts they could possibly be the only faction that has any base game mechanics (disruptor rifles, stealing credits  )

I was gonna go on about my favorite space raptors but slornie and revan explained it perfectly to me that basically at the moment it's not in the cards

I give the updated 2.1 (that one where it added shock troopers to p-star ) 8.5 furless lothkittens

December 28, 2016, 08:48:30 PMReply #1

Offline Pali

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Re: Another praji review and hopes for 2.2 and beyond
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2016, 08:48:30 PM »
What are your computer specs?  I'm fairly sure space battle slowdown is largely a hardware issue - my previous computer would suffer some, but I've had 80 max pop per side battles on my current one with no slowdown at all.


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