Greetings everyone, my name is SteelHand, and if the title didn't give it away, I am a loyal officer in the Pentastar Alignment. I hope that through joining the forums here I will come to better understand ICW, and mayhaps one day venture into the realm of multiplayer for the first time in 5 years roughly (I lost my EAW copy long ago, and only recently acquired a new one). That is, after I figure out a way to get multiplayer functionality back, as my computer skills themselves are basic at best. I enjoy Star Wars as a world more than as a series, and through games like these I love to play out the many what-if scenarios that could change that world. I enjoy RP when I can be available (cause you know, school and stuff) which extends to things like RPG's, Forum RP, etc... Above all, I adore mods in all their glory, and often the first thing I do with a new game is mod it to hell, which usually breaks the game until I find the right combo for me. With all of that I can not wait to see what ICW has in store. See you all on the bridge.