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Author Topic: STar war questions.  (Read 4140 times)

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October 19, 2014, 01:10:12 PM

Offline Revan

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STar war questions.
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:10:12 PM »
A tpoics reserved to solve SW question...
I found this multiple times :
Plasma Drills
But All I know is that a weapon and tool... Nothing more I couldn find thise on the net...
It's related to Slayn & Korpil Plasma-jets (also called drill-jets or mole miners)
Wich is related to this :
It's a tool and also a weapon... (And Warhammer still saying yhea the chain sword is good !)
And I begin to wander.. Why all this industry stuff isn't used in military purpuse? (I Know Thrawn did, the buzz dorïd use plasma torch but no matter)
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October 19, 2014, 01:14:39 PMReply #1

Offline tlmiller

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2014, 01:14:39 PM »
Because they didn't make the best weapons probably.  Limited range, and fairly large and bulky to carry around to use in close combat.
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October 19, 2014, 02:44:08 PMReply #2

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2014, 02:44:08 PM »
Look at the stark plasma torch... Can cut an old ship (from the old republic era) in two... And this is a ship mass produced weapon !!!!
It have range !!! They is surely an application in boarding, not only to penatrate the hull but also to be use as a regular weapon in medium and close combat !!!
Those are very low coast !!!

And why don't make warhead based on the technology of plasma driller??? You know Like driller missiles (use by the republic during the clone war but those are cortosis warhead auto guided and propulse with a rail gun cappble to go through the shield !!) It could go deep in the hulle or use in obital bombardement to hit underground structures !!!
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October 19, 2014, 03:29:04 PMReply #3

Offline Pali

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2014, 03:29:04 PM »
From your own link...

"Far too bulky and unwieldy to be used as a weapon, the Stark is first and foremost a salvage tool, a refinement of the plasma jet which is so often used for drilling and mining vehicles. These plasma jets were, at one point, used by Grand Admiral Thrawn to punch holes in capital ships. The Stark represents a bridge between the full-scale plasma jet and an ubiquitous plasma cutting torch.

Capable of cutting through ancient, non-military spaceframes with relative ease, the Stark lacks the power to cut through full-scale capital ship armor without concerted effort and a great deal of time. The blade length initializes at roughly a metre and a half, which also represents its minimum length. At full extension, its plasma jet can reach eight metres from the gigantic armature, which is itself over a metre long. It is so bulky that it almost always requires zero-gee for proper manipulation. Maneuvering the Stark plasma drill in gravity requires either a Wookiee or a repulsor sled."

Your own link describes it as too bulky for use as a weapon, unable to penetrate armor efficiently in most situations (mole miners and skeleton-crewed barely moving cap ships being one of the few), and with a range limitation of eight meters.  You provided the answer to your own question.

October 19, 2014, 03:45:17 PMReply #4

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2014, 03:45:17 PM »
Yhea but many weapon in SW are bulky look at the Ls-150 ! The stouker rifle.. That's not a problem with electronics muscles...
"used by Grand Admiral Thrawn to punch holes in capital ships."
Eeer I shouldn't learn to fast...
Revan is my favorite character, but you will be really sad to see a such person as me, wearing the name of your second favorite character behind Thrawn.

October 20, 2014, 05:17:25 AMReply #5

Offline Pali

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2014, 05:17:25 AM »
If you really want plasma weapons in Star Wars, look no further than the Vong - plasma cannons were their primary armaments.  However, Vong biotech never really pretended to make much sense nor were the inner workings of it explored, but that is not the case for normal Star Wars tech considering that you can find tech manuals that break down which parts of a laser cannon are what. ;) If you want a real-world explanation, I suspect that laser guns simply sounded easier to understand and cooler than plasma guns if the idea even was floated by the writers at all.  If you want an in-world explanation, with a tiny dose of my layman's understanding of real-world science behind it...

Lasers are relatively simple technology - they are simply light waves formed into a coherent beam with minimal or no scatter, something we've been able to do in real life for decades (and new US warships are being deployed with laser weaponry - no joke).  An ideal laser would have almost no range limit to effectiveness in a true vacuum, if all the waves are travelling perfectly parallel to each other (and if space wasn't curved).  Plasma, by contrast, is a very messy substance.  A plasma weapon would essentially be firing a semi-liquid cloud at the target - an electrically charged, very very hot cloud to be sure, but a cloud, which is going to disperse relatively quickly after leaving the weapon due to the ionized state as the charged particles repel each other without external magnetic fields counteracting them, hence the short ranges reflected in most sci-fi fantasy plasma tech that I'm familiar with.  Now, Star Wars lasers aren't true lasers, as far as I know - like Star Trek, most Star Wars tech actually fires charged particle beams (light bouncing around tibanna gas that excites the molecules, causing them to shoot off charged particles, mostly electrons - and no, I don't have a source for this handy ;)), rather than simply light, but charged particle beams act a lot like lasers in transit, maintaining cohesion over greater distances.

And there simply aren't that many advantages to be gained by using plasma over lasers or charged particle beams - either of the latter can cut through solid materials just fine as well, while having longer range due to superior beam cohesion.  In raw materials, a basic laser requires a power source and some mirrors, a charged particle beam adds only a medium to run that light source through to excite, while a plasma weapon would require ionizing furnaces capable of withstanding the heat as well as multiple electromagnets to contain and accelerate the plasma itself - and a general rule in mechanics is that the more components and the more complex they are, the more that can go wrong.  In a war machine that's going to be dealing with wear and tear, you want as simple and as durable as you can get while maintaining effectiveness.  By my understanding, the upside to plasma weapons would be that the overall energy costs should actually be significantly lower, which seemingly applies well to the Vong-normal tech dynamic; the Vong wouldn't want their ships burning calories faster than needed but their ships could heal damage on their own and would require less maintenance, whereas the NR and Imps could just swap in new fuel cells as needed but even with droids damage repair and upkeep take up more time/effort.

If someone is better versed in the physics and wishes to correct my layman's interpretation of things, I sincerely welcome it, because I'd love to understand the differences better and, honestly, Wikipedia's a bit dense at times. ;)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 05:35:27 AM by Pali »

October 20, 2014, 12:46:36 PMReply #6

Offline Lord Xizer

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2014, 12:46:36 PM »
I can solve this.
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October 20, 2014, 03:01:12 PMReply #7

Offline jordanthejq12

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 03:01:12 PM »
I can do it better:

It's only a show (well, movie), you should really just relax.

Although I do admit, it is fun sometimes to imagine how this stuff works. Hence why we have Essential Guides/Cross-Sections.
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--Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

October 20, 2014, 03:53:13 PMReply #8

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2014, 03:53:13 PM »
I hate the Yuuzha Vong concept in technology it's so ridiculus...
But I know SW have magna canon and plasma canon, in starfigther I you have those planetary gun able to trhow magma or plasma shots (Remeber the mission on Eos, not very canon but love the Idea, the hypervelocity canon.
The DC-17 Westar M5 (Wich recall me the tau rifle in warhammer 40 000K)

"and cooler than plasma guns" That's the problem of Imperium plasma weapon in Warhammer but in star war there is metal called westar (used on the Jango fett Westar-34 or the Gun of Shae Vizla, wich don't know the meaning of over-eat.) They are used in the Westar-M5.

In X-WA normal laser seamn to don't have range limit (but it have 200Km) you can shot target even if your targeting système is not able to target the .. Target.
But it demand great precision... It's agreat example of the limit of the laser. And sometime ligthspeed isn't too much, like the death star, amazing range but it can take a while bfore the taget could have been hit ! But The superlaser is not only a laser beam... They also some particulars waves....

Both Plasma and laser in star war is fueled by the same kind of munition : "Tibana gaz"
This gaz able to propulse your ship to ligth speed bring decent temparure in the most frozen planet, and it have cristal particularity. Like the Hellium the gaz is unfrozzenable !!!

"(light bouncing around tibanna gas that excites the molecules, causing them to shoot off charged particles, mostly electrons - and no, I don't have a source for this handy ;))"
Sorry read to fast again...
I've seen many time the application of explosiv plasmic bands use to creat door in walls..
Revan is my favorite character, but you will be really sad to see a such person as me, wearing the name of your second favorite character behind Thrawn.

October 20, 2014, 03:54:30 PMReply #9

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 03:54:30 PM »
Post to fast.. Didn't want it and I cannot edit as guest.
Laser are good O.K But I don't see realy a reason for SW universe to don't use more plasmiques weapons...
Revan is my favorite character, but you will be really sad to see a such person as me, wearing the name of your second favorite character behind Thrawn.

October 20, 2014, 05:42:21 PMReply #10

Offline Pali

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 05:42:21 PM »
I can do it better:

It's only a show (well, movie), you should really just relax.

Although I do admit, it is fun sometimes to imagine how this stuff works. Hence why we have Essential Guides/Cross-Sections.

Even more fun when doing it after getting home from the bar. ;)

October 21, 2014, 12:01:54 PMReply #11

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2014, 12:01:54 PM »
Is about all questions... Not on a specific one.

Why I episode V they all worry about Han solo congelation.. This is expiremental blablabla, does he going to survive....? Blabla But you See that's In the clone war anakin obiwan etc and cody go to citadel thank to Carbonite... They pass the scanner contrôle by freeze themself in Carbonite.
In The old republic story line some sith use them to plonge themself in deep sleep to wake up centuraies laters... And they also use the technic to hide massive sith troopers armies !!!!
Even in episode VI you suffer from "mal de l'hibernation" (sorry don't know how to translate....) wich make Han solo blind... This is seam to be well knowed.. Is that because Solo is the first non force sensitive "carbonited" without any armor or something else...?

Grievous encounter Obiwan before épisode II but they seam to have never figth before, because on Utapau, he said "You fool, compt Doku train me to your Jedi Arts !"
So why is figthing obiwan in the series?
Revan is my favorite character, but you will be really sad to see a such person as me, wearing the name of your second favorite character behind Thrawn.

October 21, 2014, 01:14:12 PMReply #12

Offline Slornie

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2014, 01:14:12 PM »
Grievous encounter Obiwan before épisode II but they seam to have never figth before, because on Utapau, he said "You fool, compt Doku train me to your Jedi Arts !"
So why is figthing obiwan in the series?
Collective amnesia.  Failing that, it's because the Clone Wars TV show was created after the prequels and the writers decided having Obi-Wan and Greivous fight it out again was more important than having consistency with the movies.
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why do u hate america? if it were not for us u guys would be lost. i mean we invented the tv, we invented the internet, cars and we even went to the planet moon. we won all the wars and we always help the little countries who cant fight and we give food to poor people.

October 21, 2014, 01:19:06 PMReply #13

Offline Revan

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Re: STar war questions.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2014, 01:19:06 PM »
Yhea XD and TWC is canon, entirely canon... WATF? XDXDShould be canon as MGS portable OPS Half canon... Like the rest of the EU (also based on vidéo games...)
When a production begin attractive they will surrely have fucks off and pains in the balls !!!!
Revan is my favorite character, but you will be really sad to see a such person as me, wearing the name of your second favorite character behind Thrawn.


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