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General Statistics - Meyer

Total Time Spent Online:
29 days, 4 hours and 20 minutes.
Total Posts:
4,152 posts
Total Topics Started:
101 topics
Number of Polls Created:
44 polls
Number of Votes Cast:
157 votes

Posting Activity By Time

  • 230 posts (6%)
    12 am
  • 106 posts (3%)
    1 am
  • 146 posts (4%)
    2 am
  • 131 posts (3%)
    3 am
  • 204 posts (5%)
    4 am
  • 233 posts (6%)
    5 am
  • 196 posts (5%)
    6 am
  • 147 posts (4%)
    7 am
  • 216 posts (5%)
    8 am
  • 261 posts (7%)
    9 am
  • 253 posts (6%)
    10 am
  • 274 posts (7%)
    11 am
  • 201 posts (5%)
    12 pm
  • 137 posts (3%)
    1 pm
  • 140 posts (4%)
    2 pm
  • 69 posts (2%)
    3 pm
  • 16 posts (0%)
    4 pm
  • 3 posts (0%)
    5 pm
  • 1 posts (0%)
    6 pm
  • 1 posts (0%)
    7 pm
  • 10 posts (0%)
    8 pm
  • 265 posts (7%)
    9 pm
  • 323 posts (8%)
    10 pm
  • 400 posts (10%)
    11 pm

Most Popular Boards By Posts

The Lounge
1315 posts of the member's 4152 posts (31.67%)
Star Wars Discussion
1106 posts of the member's 4152 posts (26.64%)
Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback
175 posts of the member's 4152 posts (4.21%)
Welcome to the Boards
47 posts of the member's 4152 posts (1.13%)
Empire at War and Forces of Corruption
31 posts of the member's 4152 posts (0.75%)
EaW and FoC Mods
25 posts of the member's 4152 posts (0.60%)
News & Updates
14 posts of the member's 4152 posts (0.34%)
Ascendancy Discussion
5 posts of the member's 4152 posts (0.12%)
Sins of a Solar Empire
1 posts of the member's 4152 posts (0.02%)

Most Popular Boards By Activity

The Lounge
1315 posts of the board's 7952 posts (16.54%)
Star Wars Discussion
1106 posts of the board's 9593 posts (11.53%)
EaW and FoC Mods
25 posts of the board's 582 posts (4.30%)
Empire at War and Forces of Corruption
31 posts of the board's 882 posts (3.51%)
Welcome to the Boards
47 posts of the board's 1624 posts (2.89%)
Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback
175 posts of the board's 12292 posts (1.42%)
News & Updates
14 posts of the board's 3217 posts (0.44%)
Forum Games
15 posts of the board's 4421 posts (0.34%)
Sins of a Solar Empire
1 posts of the board's 328 posts (0.30%)
Ascendancy Discussion
5 posts of the board's 2233 posts (0.22%)

Those working on this mod do so in their own free time and for no pay.
Show your support for them by enabling ads on this site!