First and foremost I would like to express that I see and understand the amount of work you have put into the Eoth faction and that it is your work in question. If I sound disrecpectful or anything like that, it is due of my lack of knowledge of english langauge and it is not on purpose.
Art of War without Eoth: They are strong only until their army of heroes is destroyed, it's true. I finished 10+ AoW on hard. But they have everything from the beginning of Art of War, and can make life miserable for the other factions, especially the human one.
Bombers: Syca. As I saw it launches rockets and torpedos as well. Two squadron took out one hardpoint with one run on an ISDII. In the battle I show here with details only those managed to destroy the Lusankya. It's too much, I think.
With and without heroes.
The battle:
I managed to locate the eoth army of heroes and gathered everything I had and was close enough and attacked them.
And after:
How it went:
I had the advantage because the AI did nothing at the beginning. It did not attack me. I bought in all the ESDs to attack with bombers and take out its heroes.
The first hero who left the main forces was Siath with its Phalanx.
I sent 44 TIE FIghter and 33 TIE Bomber squadrons against it with the ESDs as baits to take the fire. I could take half of its shield down but the bombers could not really hurt it. After all the fighters were annihilated its hull was on 60-65%.
Then two ISDII with one Carrack could hardly take out one Ascendancy.
Then I started attacking, the ISDs took the fire from incoming ships while I sent the SSD to take out the heroes. I could take them out but then the Syca bomber swarms took out the SSD. After that it was just a massacre.
Powerful ships: Yes, the IR gets SSDs. One at two heroes. Eoth gets everything from the start. Big difference when it comes with Phalanxes when I hardly have enough money to build ISDs. If at least the heroes were divided into eras, the situation would be much more easier.
SSDs can be taken out far more easily than eoth fleets, especially with K-wings.
I'm going to provide more information and thoughts tomorrow, it's late here right now. If you can wait a day with the answer, then please give me some time to address everything properly.
One quick question:
Can you provide a table with hulls, shield powers, and damage ratios of each unit?