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Messages - Lucinator

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please dont this mod steals models from other mods including the Thrawns revenge team

This might seem like a weird question but do the mod authors care if someone uses their models without crediting them?  Ive seen atleast one mod that uses the models for Thrawn's revenge.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / cant research Phalanx Destroyer
« on: August 23, 2018, 10:15:48 AM »
For some reason I cant research the Phalanx.  I have a research station  but It doesn't pop up in Era 3

the problem im having is the wave after wave of star destroyer attacks, I loose more ships than I can replace

Dam this game got alot harder since 2.15.  Having a lot of trouble with the NR in the Art of War Campaign, I just cant seem to get above water in terms of survival.  I get its supposed to be hard but I'm playing on recruit and having issues.  Also why make the only campaign where the NR gets to advance eras be so that it is hard as #@$@$.  Any suggestions of tactics?

finally got a fix.  After some more work trying everything I could think of I tried to use a different vista fix.  And for some reason that seemed to work.  why, I have no idea but it did.

yes, and I reinstalled the game in a different location just to make sure.  It just wont work.  Based on 2.15 working I feel like its something that changed.  Do you still have a copy of 2.2 I could try.  I could see if it works.   Another odd thing is that I cant run the Batch file as a admin, it just flat out crashes.  Lastly is there a way to check if the FOC vista patch has installed correctly?

nevermind the 2.15 also works and it is a manual install so still no idea why 2.25 is not working.

reinstalled FOC same results, maybe it has somthing to do with the fact that 2.1 has a installer?

when I try to start the new version I get this error message.  Any Idea why?  My old 2.1 works fine

Exception in thread 3544 - Main Thread
    The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
    Attempt to read from address 00000018

Exception occurred at 0091C0AE - Unknown code pointer

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Questions/Comments about 2.0
« on: August 31, 2012, 05:01:26 AM »
im missing not having the visvia defense platform, how close is it to being finished?

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / 2.1 suggestions
« on: July 04, 2012, 10:22:19 PM »
Here is the topic to post ideas about 2.1

I.E.: more new ground forces, and more units for the Pentstar Alliance.

I believe that since the essential guide came out there have been updates as to some of their stats and several got models too.

also like I said earlier they could be given when conquering specific high value worlds or given to the penstar, I know at least one of them was built by the remnant,

will the new ships from the essential guide to warfare be included in future releases

Bulwark Mark II
Munifex-class light cruiser
Pride of Tarlandia(finally gave a name to the comm ship from ROTJ)
Bellator-class dreadnought
Allegiance-class battlecruiser
Procursator-class Star Destroyer
Secutor-class Star Destroyer
Sorannan-class Star Destroyer(previously known as EX-F)
Assertor-class Star Dreadnought
Mandator III-class dreadnought
Vigil-class corvette

some of these could go into the penstar, others could go to the IR, finally some may come as spoils of war(ie from capturing a planet)

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.0 wish list
« on: April 06, 2012, 05:58:04 PM »

And also, I don't believe the NR built a single Immobilizer. They later on built Star Destroyers with concealed gravity well projectors, but those are outside the scope of the mod and the Mon Mothma and Elegos Akla were never fully detailed anyway.

according to wookipedia they did, and later on they improved it with the immobilizer 418A

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.0 wish list
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:01:18 PM »
still the nr needs some interdictors if you guys can find a model or create one the CC-2200_Interdictor_Cruiser could work, or just make up a ship (ie mon cal with a gravity well generator)

or allow the nr to build Immobilizer 418A which they canonically did.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.0 wish list
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:40:47 PM »
would like to see a unit based cash source.

This is due to the fact that you can only make so much money with planets and at times it becomes prohibitively expensive to maintain defense fleets so space based unit that adds cash to your economy will allow for more economic strategies to be used.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: multiplayer GC
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:47:41 PM »
could you code in tech advancement through research like vanilla as a workaround or would that be too much trouble.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / multiplayer GC
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:20:48 PM »
Me and my friend often play GC against each other with other mods, how hard would it be to implement GC maps for multiplayer in 2.0?

but then how could a it be balanced then, it would exceptionaly powerful

they were exceptionally powerful and since you cant build them separately they are limited in the number brought in and the carrier craft are generally expensive.

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