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Messages - Pox

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Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: economy buildings
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:14:48 PM »
Unfortunately we have no control over hotkeys, that's all hardcoded.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: economy buildings
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:23:35 AM »
and adding the single-unit retreat code, as far as I know, requires writing that functionality into each unit individually, hence us not seeing it planned for every unit- too much effort to implement. I'd love to see it available, as every ship should have the ability to run away, but if it involves several hours of code per unit (and it may very well take days  per unit), then we can't really expect it.

I had no idea it was this hard to add it!

Actually the SUR code is the same for every unit. We have a generic unit script that gets attached to every ship that looks up the unit type in a library file to determine which other scripts need to be loaded for this unit type. One of the main reasons we're not adding SUR for every unit is that the UI is limited to displaying two abilities. So the units that get it are primarily those that have a free slot left.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Can't select units during battle.
« on: September 03, 2017, 03:09:22 PM »
Start the program, select your game version, then locate your save game folder and then select save game you want to fix and hit defreeze.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Can't select units during battle.
« on: August 19, 2017, 02:55:42 AM »
Also make sure only to use it on a save game that was saved in galactic mode NOT in tactical mode!
And make a backup of your save games before you use it, just to be sure. Sometimes the tool can break stuff.

I never intended the Defreezer to be used on EaW save games. EaW save games have the file extension .PetroglyphEaWSave instead of .PetroglyphFoCSave. You could try to change the extension to .PetroglyphFoCSave, then the Defreezer will be able to detect it. After you've used the Defreezer you have to change the extension back obviously. However, the Defreezer has never been tested on EaW save games, so it may break the save.

News & Updates / Re: ICW: Empire of the Hand Preview Playthrough
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:52:12 PM »
I really like all the new mechanics shown. I also like the new icon rings around ships. I was also wondering about the fighters docking with the retreating ships. Does that mean there is a possibility that a mechanic can be created to allow ships to dock with tenders in order to be repaired?

Theoretically, yes. However, it would be hard or even impossible to get this working properly with the system that we introduced for the single unit retreat. The docking requires a fighter to be despawned, which would lead the ship which originally spawned the fighter to believe the squadron has died. This would result in the ship spawning a reserve squadron. A tender would allow the player to spawn all their squadrons by docking the fighters that have already spawned.
The only way this could work properly is to let the fighters dock to the ships they were spawned from.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Diplomacy for ICW
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:16:08 PM »
That sounds amazing. What'll happen to your ground forces on the planet if you lose all the influence with the enemy fleet in orbit above?

You won't lose them. They will be moved to the nearest friendly planet. Something that EaW does by itself actually.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Diplomacy for ICW
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:02:56 AM »
Glad to see that there's some interest in the diplomacy system again!

A while ago I re-wrote it from scratch and it's pretty much done (only for the base game, though).
There's only one new feature, but the new structure will make it easier to add new things to it if we ever choose to do so.

As for the new feature, I'm pretty sure I have stated before that it is impossible to do, but we no longer have to just "park" a diplomat on an enemy plant. Instead we can now use the probe droid's "spy" slot to initiate diplomacy.
Picture 1

And in this case, it will also tell me that I'm not allowed to use diplomacy on that planet.
Picture 2

Also, I have played some ICW a while back and I think when we add diplomacy things may get quite a bit harder.
Maybe it's just because I suck at FoC, but especially in the beginning of a GC there would be times when an enemy faction would siege one of my planets in orbit and I couldn't really do anything about it for a while until I had a large enough fleet.
With diplomacy enabled that situation puts a timer on the player, because in the new version you will lose influence over time when an enemy fleet stays in orbit of one of your planets.

Imperial Civil War Community Mods / Re: Question Regarding Story Scripting
« on: February 04, 2016, 04:34:06 AM »
I have written a tutorial on story scripting a while back, you can find it here:

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: TR Mod Launcher (Beta)
« on: January 05, 2016, 02:40:24 PM »
I have found a major bug that makes the game pretty much unplayable, therefore I have removed the download link for now. I will upload a new version as soon as I have fixed the issue.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Sudden Freeze after around 49th week
« on: December 29, 2015, 09:37:58 PM »
Does the game crash (exception error) or does the unit select freeze happen, where the game will still appear to be functioning but units won't take orders and nothing will build properly? If the former, make sure you have this:

If the latter, use this:

Also, if it's the latter you would do me a great favor if you tried this tool instead of the one Corey linked:

Backup your save games before you use it!
Basically this is a mod launcher that is supposed to do the exact same thing as the tool that Corey linked to.
How to use:
1. Launch your game with the launcher.
2. Load your corrupt save game and just overwrite it, the launcher will then detect that a save game has been changed.
3. Quit the game, the launcher should then ask you if you want to use the Defreezer. Click yes and select the corrupted save game and then click defreeze.

Of course all of this only works if this is the unit selection bug Corey mentioned.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / TR Mod Launcher (Beta)
« on: December 27, 2015, 02:30:21 PM »
I have been working on a new Mod Launcher for Empire at War/Forces of Corruption that implements my defreezer utility and automates it to a certain degree.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Defreezer: It's a tool that allows you to fix save game files that have been affected by the unit selection bug that occurs once too many objects have been created during the course of a galactic conquest.

The launcher will automatically detect your installation path for EaW and FoC. You can switch between these two games and launch them with or without mods. This should work for steam as well as the retail version.
Once a game has been launched the program will monitor the save game folder of the game and detect changes and/or new save games. After you have exited the game the launcher will give you the opportunity to use the Defreezer on any of the changed/new files.

As the title mentions this launcher is still in beta, so some features have not been fully implemented yet.

This is what the launcher does so far:
- Auto detect game installation path
- Can launch either game with or without mods
- Monitors save game files and offers to use defreezer (FoC only at the moment)

For the full release I will also implement an automatic move function for AI folders, so that mods with custom AI won't interfer with other mods.

- .NET Framework 4.0 or higher

However, I need some help testing this project.
I have changed a few things in the way the Defreezer works and I need to find out if it still works as intended.
Unfortunately, I have lost all my save games that were affected by the selection bug after formatting my PC, so if any of you still have some saves that are affected by the freeze I'd appreciate it if you could test it on them.
So far I have tested the Defreezer only with an uncorrupted save game and it seems to work fine with that.

EDIT: I have found a major bug that makes the game pretty much unplayable, therefore I have removed the download link for now. I will upload a new version as soon as I have fixed the issue.

News & Updates / Re: Corey Loses Imperial Civil War
« on: August 02, 2015, 12:00:44 PM »
We need more survival mode videos!

News & Updates / Re: Randomized Z-Layer
« on: June 05, 2015, 05:33:17 AM »

The script doesn't prevent that. However, the z layer of the spawned dummy unit is relative to the regular z layer of your unit. So I think units should usually not end up glitching through each other, at least not more than in the base game.

News & Updates / Re: Randomized Z-Layer
« on: June 05, 2015, 01:23:23 AM »
The layer is randomized after the ship jumped in.
What this system does is basically making the ship invisible while it jumps in on its regular height, then spawns an invisible dummy unit on a random z layer and then forces the ship to jump in again on the new layer, this time visible of course. So the reinforcement shadow just shows at the ships regular z layer and you have no control over on which layer it's going to jump in.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Pre-Programing Ship Targeting
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:14:39 PM »
I don't think you can do that with the XML AI.
However, if the Attack_Target(target) function accepts a hardpoint as target or as a second argument it should be possible to achieve something like that with LUA.
Downside to this is that you'd probably have to rewrite large parts of the AI in LUA.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Defreezer Crash
« on: April 05, 2015, 08:43:22 AM »
Hm weird
It worked fine for the people that helped me test the Defreezer.
What language is your EaW in?

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Defreezer Crash
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:28:57 PM »
Did you have the right game version selected?
Are you on steam or retail?

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Defreezer Crash
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:19:00 AM »
I have released a new version of the Defreezer a while ago:!H5BwAKyC!lVNCFrBT-k_h85BHMLsFP6wyjRgsmLojbSceYcs_4Bc

Try that instead.
I would also recommend to make backups of your save games before you use the defreezer.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Ship collisions (Kamikaze)
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:31:42 AM »'s some sort of Sorcery?

The ability probably uses either the Register_Prox or obj.Get_Distance(obj2) functions. So you will most likely only be able to hit objects within a certain radius(in a 3D environment that means r = sqrt(x²+y²+z²)) so it's basically the same as limiting the ability to certain ship classes. Unless you set the collision radius really high, which would look weird though.

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