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Messages - Tortique

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I'd like to participate in testing too.

Ascendancy Discussion / Firing Arcs
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:40:38 AM »
I have a question: is it possible to tweak firing arcs of Dominator, Venator, Dreadnought and EotH ships so the don't have to stay perpendicular to enemy when firing? Just looks ugly in my opinion, especialy on Venator/Dominator.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: November 20, 2016, 07:43:05 AM »
while I know that genocide is bad and all, I think Hitler and Mussolini should be given more credit for rebuilding the economies of countries that had essentially been bombed to the point where two story building didn't exist anymore.
Economies that could only work when you're robbing your neighbours. Shortly: no war  - no spoils of war - no economy.

To be fair, the Eastern front casualties were on a scale never before or since seen. 23.5 million both sides all told.
If you add civilian casualties of USSR you'll get another 10 millions. Wounds left after this war in people's mentality aren't healed even today.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:49:35 AM »
But I've also been talking about Trump.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:44:01 AM »
You've been spotted, I'm watching you >_>

The Lounge / Re: Americas New president
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:59:14 AM »
That's very interesting, as much I listen to my university professors, they are looking outside in, you are looking inside out which I am fascinated with. I feel there is a Russo-phobia growing in the US. Is there a American phobia growing in the RF as well?

Phobia? Certainly no. Though you will find that many russian people think that US has gone too far trying to control the world and should be stopped, that double-thinkig of US (and it's satellites) should be stopped etc etc. In short you can sum it as "get your hands off".

The Lounge / Re: Americas New president
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:09:04 AM »
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I don't feel fine.
May I ask why? Personaly I have reasons to not feel fine, as the victory of Trump is one of many signs of the rising of right-wing in politics.

But I will be honest I do Believe Women deserve equal rights
Assuming they aren't equal in rights with men.

I am also in getting a degree inside the political field specifically dealing with Russians, I'm sorry to say to everyone but the Russians truly wanted Clinton to win. All of the Russian culture and lifestyle accumulates into one thing, Predictability. If they have an American President that is easy to predict, they can always be four steps ahead, similar to what happened during the late stages of the Obama administration. However Trump is quite literally in himself a Trump Card, they do not know what he will do. So all the rivals of the US (Russia, China, Philippines to a certain extent) are all trying to get to his good side so he doesn't screw them over in the end.
Interesting. As russian, I can clearly say that politicians are more satisfied with Trump than Hillary because she was going to escalate conflict between US and RF. Ofcourse, Trump is more unpredictable but if there is a chance that US will go down the path of warming US-RF relations than this is better than certain worsening. Also, look at this Keep in mind, this person is the senator.

Although I don't personaly believe theese relations will be improved and I think the opportunity will be missed, as I stated before.

The Lounge / Re: Americas New president
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:34:39 AM »
Also keep in mine our relationship with Russia has improve very well and maybe we could see peace

I highly doubt it. I highly doubt Trump is able to affect US-Russian relations that much, to be precise. Actualy, I don't see any ways to improve it. Both did their best to worsen relations between each other in the last 3 years.

Star Wars Discussion / Re: Building your own starship
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:09:38 AM »
Aurora-calss Star Destroyer (ASD).

I won't be satisfied without having a proper carrier, so I'll create another modification of ISD, with most of heavy weaponry removed, expanded hangars (420 small craft is the lowest number expected to carry), no need of big hangar doors, fighters could be launched with Star Wars analogue of EMALS to achieve or exceed launch speed of the Venator with open doors. This modification don't need any weaponry except mb for small number of anti-fighter lasers. Create a fleet consisting of this carrier, Tectors and Lancers and you are the winner.

Fighter complement: 200 TIE Hunters/Interceptors for fighter role, 100 Scimitars for assault role, 100 TIE Defenders for multirole (after this one I'll probably be bankrupt) and 20 troop carriers (probably IDT or LAAT/i). This goes for minimal load of 420, though I'd assume that ship of ISD size with mostly nothing but hangars could get like 600, in this case complement wiil be like: 250 TIE Hunters, 200 Scimitars, 100 TIE Defenders and 50 troop carriers (same type as above). If someone have enough money he could go with TIE/Ds only and troop carriers.

The Lounge / Re: Personal Flagship Name?
« on: November 11, 2016, 05:53:40 AM »
Probably Aurora, Kaiserin or Vittorio Veneto after real-life ships.

News & Updates / Re: Era Two - Galactic Conquest Breakdown
« on: October 14, 2016, 02:27:26 PM »
Isard's Revenge looks promising. And no SSDs in it, I guess? Especialy considering small number of planets.

The Lounge / Re: European politics and happenings
« on: October 08, 2016, 06:30:06 PM »
I knew it, but I wanted a thread like this since forever. You just gave a final push to it. Let's just say that I had enough of the USA's stuff and wanted to talk about something I know about.

Just tell people to don't about American politics here. And actualy, I think any politics shouldn't be discussed in places like Thrawn's Revenge forum. Politics are toxic. I saw so many communities ruined after starting discussing politics. Especialy russian-speaking after Ukraine crisis.

The Lounge / Re: European politics and happenings
« on: October 08, 2016, 04:06:33 PM »
Kay, fellow europeans, one of the main things now is the reffugee situation. Hungary held a vote recently about the stuff belgrade came up... they wanted to send them back to hungary(where they illegally entered the EU to add but when we pulled up a wall what now everyone does they said it is horrible and that it is the second wall of berlin and how dare we...) to settle here without our consultation. Well, to this our goverment said a big no and held a voting between our people at which the people said a big fat no to belgrade too.
93,4%. I think it means something and we made our mark...
What about your country? How does your people think?

My country don't have any refugees problems, heh. However EUs problems indirectly affect people here. By displaying what is happening in EU our goverenment gains support for some ridiculous laws. Another worriesome thing is the growing popularity of far right wing parties in EU countries. Good to see how Hungary and Czech Republic are rejecting to take refugees and saving themselves from far right that certainly will use problems with refugees to assist their own agenda.

Also, this >
Or else I will start talking about russian and european politics. Kucksidave, wanna talk about refugees?
Was a joke :D But still.

Jesus man sorry for your loss
I think the problem is more of some of us would like movies on these characters and I would argue that everything after Vong war wasn't really great, and I am fine with that. But Why erase everything? It just doesn't make senses. But again it could be our fault because we have been attach to these stories, characters, and things for too long. Even If we all died some one will still Remember the EU. We wont fade into nothingness , but we will be a small number.
We might even be smaller when they write this new universal out of cannon.

You don't have to be sorry, as I said, it happend 7 years ago. And the piont was that the book itself hadn't disappeared after Disney put title "Legends" on it nor after my father died. You can't say erased about old EU, because it never was. Look at it as reboot. Comics series like Batman, Superman, Spider-man and others are rebooted very frequently. Transformers rebooted many times too. And this can be said about many IPs, but this doesn't mean that their older iterations aren't there anymore.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: October 08, 2016, 11:15:00 AM »
I myself mostly love RTS games too. Nowadays though, many of the old series like C&C seems for me to be not that great. Guess I've just thrown off my nostalgia glasses. Also recently I've started learning Paradox Interactive's grand strategy games and found them to be very impressive, especialy Europa Universalis IV. The only one series of old games I could play now is TIE Fighter, but there is no alternative to it.

Well they can at least not override everything in the EU they could have just wrote Everything after the Peallon-Gaverison treaty out of cannon , Torque their are things you have to understand. If it Us that undermines the whole point of  "Us" being star wars fans. We are not whining kids, we are the people who grew up with star wars. I would argue it is just simply that Disney Considers us a dying breed. They don't give a crap about us the only people who do are getting screw over trying to bring in EU material. Dave Floini has apparently try to do Thrawn in season 2 but the Story group refuses and the story group is slowly being replace.[
If George Lucas hadn't sigh that all of his team should get jobs, Disney was going to fire the old team and replace them which is what is SLOWLY happening now they are undermining old team members and giving them crapy jobs, and getting the people they want on star wars. Even some members have said working with Jar Jar Abrams have stressed how he always wanted his way and didn't really listen to other people. That is the reason why the movie is very very very very similar to Episode 4.

The fact that many of us grew with Star Wars actualy doesn't mean that Disney have to care about us. They don't have to. Realy. It's their IP now and their right to do whatever they want with it. And it has nothing to do with us except our will to pay money for the product.

And I will repeat: EU isn't gone, it is still there for you to enjoy it. It wasn't burned, eradicated etc. Look here It is russian version of "The Last Command" novel that my father bought in 1996 when I was 1 y.o. My father is dead for 7 years now but this book is still here, I can read it, it didn't suddenly disappear when Disney made their changes to the canon.

If it "Us" to point fingers at, it is not by any means undermines the point of us being SW fans. You may not be very satisfied with new canon and the way Disney doing things, it is your right. It is just your disappointment with this way that you have to point your finger at, your wish for EU to be actual canon as if the fact that Disney now sells old EU under "Legens" title determines whether old EU exists or not. Realy, sometimes it looks like with time some older fans will call new ones (who appreciate new canon and don't worship old EU as only true one) not TRUE FANS. What about Spider-man? It originated in 60s IIRC, and was rebooted many times. Does this means the original comics is no longer here? No, no and one more time: NO. Now relax, go to your bookshelf, get your favourite EU novels and read them. Repeat whenever you want.

Now about actual canon. I don't think it is bad. Though I hadn't read much new stuff, only "Tarkin" novel and watcing Rebels TV show. I don't see anything bad. I see some characters from legends appear here and there, I don't see anything bad right now. As far as I know, Filoni is now supervising everything related with animated shows, this is promotion, not replacing. And he still works on Rebels as executive producer. As for J. J. Abrams (rly, stop calling him Jar Jar, srsly, it's annoying), episode 7 may look very simillar to episode 4, but we have yet to see other episodes to understand, was it done on purprose as shoutout to original trilogy with intention to go another way after or just copy-paste.

I like to say that honestly I point fingers directly at the story group and Disney itself. We have very kid friendly stories and lack of very very dark scenes.
I myself don't see anything bad in kid friendly stories and lack of dark scenes. In fact, I want kid friendly stories. I am tired of dark scenes, dark stories etc. Had enough of it. And yeah, kid friendly don't equals bad.

stuff other people are messing up right now
I honestly don't see anything being messed up right now.

Hillary and Obama...: Just... WHY? WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE AROUND THE USA AND IT'S POLITICS? No offence, but it is bullsh*t.
Completely agree. Just stop this. World is not circling around murrica. Or else I will start talking about russian and european politics. Kucksidave, wanna talk about refugees?

Also, there was something simillar happening with another IP I'am interested in - Lego BIONICLE. And here is one interesting video that is related to our topic (just replace BIONICLE with Star Wars). It may clarify my point.

If there is someone to point fingers at it is us. I've read related thread and can only say this: there is no problem with Disney and what they do because Legends are still here, they don't go anywhere. There are good and bad things in new canon, as it was in old one. It is Disney's IP now so they can do whatever they want. Is it good or bad - only time (and money income) will show. Right now I don't have any complaints about their vision and what they do right now.

Also, this is caNNon, what we are talking about is caNon ;-)

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: September 29, 2016, 11:02:41 AM »
I have no manpower, no economy, yet I take it from you once again.

Then in the end I will be ultimately victorious.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: September 29, 2016, 10:06:46 AM »
I have enough manpower and money for army maitnance to handle this war for a while. Won again.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:50:42 AM »
I guess it's my time to win, for motherland.

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