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Messages - Augustus Lucius Flavius

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Star Wars Discussion / Casting rumor for Episode 7: Adam Driver
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:33:28 AM »
First and foremost: Yay the forum is back!  Ok now that is out of the way, who the heck is Adam Driver and why is he being bounced around as a choice for Star Wars?

Was that in 2.1?  Because I highly doubt the ability of 7 fighter squads, 1 cruiser, and 1 frigate to kill an SSD.

Seems a little small for an attack fleet, but I shall try it

Overkill is under rated.

So the Missile boat will now be the Tiny Capital Ship of Doom made to Kill Other Tiny Capital Ships of Doom.  Problem solved.

Yes, but Skiprays are ugly so get placed into the Ugly ship of doom that will blow you to tiny pieces for laughing at its ugliness class and I thought the Defender was designed to replace the Missile Boat making it more capable than the Boat.

MC-80b's?  Been quite annoyed with them lately as they keep popping up in raid fleets, but I shall try them.  As for B-Wings and fighter bombers, I do not like them.  It is a compromise, therefore inferior to a dedicated platform.  Yes, I know that TIE Defenders are officially fighter-bombers but that is like saying a Ferarri is just a car.  I would classify the Defender as a "Tiny Capital Ship That Brings Death to all who Oppose it" or a TCSTBDO for short.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Questions/Comments About 2.1
« on: January 23, 2014, 05:24:01 PM »
You plotted to put the Vong in? Why did you not finish this? It is now an Imperial Order.  Your future Emperor demands it.

Why would we be talking about the Rebel terrorist scum?  They are inferior in all regards to our glorious Empire.  But if I ever decide to play the bad guys I think I will try your X-Wing spam idea.  X-Wings were originally an Imperial design after all.  Do you have any other ideas for the evil Republic?

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Questions/Comments About 2.1
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:56:32 AM »
Along the lines of the Amphistaffs, I found all the files for a Republic-Class Capital ship for the New Republic.  Where is this ship?

Defender spam is awesome.  I did it a few times and my only compliant is that it takes awhile to kill Golan IIIs. I also like your Vindicator idea I shall try it.

After reading your post I tried to do the same to figure it out but ran into the same problem with the SPMAT.  I changed the FOW reveal and the Maximum range but it wont shoot as far as it should.

I have become bland with my fleet builds and am looking for new ideas.  Currently I try to build a Vic-II with two Strike-Carrack pairs as the base of the fleet, replacing the Vic with an Acc or extra Strike-Carrack Pair if I don't have money.  From there I add a few Lancers to kill the pesky Republic fighters and a few Defenders because they are too awesome not to be bought.  But now I am bored with this build and need new plans as my other idea is to sit and wait until I can buy SSDs and ISD-IIs, jump a ISD into the map, wait for the fog to clear, then drop everything right on top of the Rebels.  More boringness.  So if anyone has genius strange ideas for fleets please share.

The Lounge / Re: Most likely cause of America's demise
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:35:10 PM »
Raptors? So what, we clone dinosaurs, they become the most popular pet, raptors kill everybody?

The Lounge / Re: Most likely cause of America's demise
« on: January 19, 2014, 03:38:17 PM »
Oops. You are right. I was thinking three alliances. My fault. Just America, Russia, and China your scenario makes the most sense.

Star Wars Discussion / Re: Star Wars 7 plot wish list
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:13:27 PM »
In my opinion the Thrawn story and the Vong war are what need to stay.  All else I would be willing to part with if what replaces it is worth while.  And I agree Dark Empire was stupid.

The Lounge / Re: Most likely cause of America's demise
« on: January 13, 2014, 09:27:48 AM »
Crisiss I figured the 3 way war was unlikely but put it for two reasons.  1).  It is all but assured that we would win the War but even victories can wind up being too costly.  Take Britain in World War 2 for example.  To win they had to purchase ships and supplies from America but had to give up pretty much all of their Naval Bases, including Iceland, allowed them to rule the oceans and the world for so long.  Also they wound up being hugely in debt and not able to sustain their Empire in Asia and Africa leading to the loss of that. Something like this could happen to America fighting 1 billion Chinese and a crap load of Rusky tanks.  We would be tied up in Europe trying to save our allies there and need an Ally in the Pacific so get India to help out.  To get them to join us we allow them to take Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philipines(?) giving them an Empire to build upon.  After the war we are exhausted finically and wind up giving up our military bases in foreign countries and gradually turning into a second tier power.  2). I could not figure out how to get rid of options so I put random ones in.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / New units' purpose
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:53:36 PM »
2.1 is here! So now that we know what is in it, does anybody have opinions on the new stuff.  Mine are this: V-19: Awesome looking and fun to play with but what does it do.  Lucrehulk: Expensive and donuty. Like the Venator more.  Visvia: Awesome. Needs its tri-masers to have giant death beams of doom. EotH Dreadnaught: Awesomeness covered in awesome that shoots awesome. Imperial Civil War GC: No EotH, HALLELUJAH!.  Survival: Awesomeness incarnate.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Survival Mode Discussion
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:49:47 PM »
I think Imperial Star Destroyers should be 1 credit.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Visvia
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:41:23 AM »
While playing skirmish as the EotH to see what the Visvia could do I encountered a problem: There was no dramatic death blast coming from its four super turrets.  Is this because the blasts from the Tri-megamasers are regular sized or was I not paying attention?

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