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Author Topic: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread  (Read 49192 times)

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April 18, 2018, 11:37:35 AMReply #20

Offline Magus

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2018, 11:37:35 AM »
Bug report from:
Endor Aftermath as Eriadu Authority
Steam 2.2, 2.2.1 (will note the lastest version I noticed each bug in)

- 2.2 - Army Troopers seem to count as a bit more than one reinforcement, causing problems when multiple companies are landed (I have, say, 9 companies of various ground forces but it displays as 10/10 and I cannot deploy more). I remember a similar bug in 2.15 as the PA, which was frustrating as it rendered me unable to field a full complement of units.
- 2.2 - I often crash on the Corellia map, though my PC is stable on all other maps. (This occurred in 2.15 as well.)
- 2.2 - PA AT-TEs bore red markings, not blue.
- 2.2 - Southernmost turbolaser on Morishim is nearly buried in rock; infantry can't really hit it.
- 2.2 - On Duro, the Duro civilians are mentioned as "Mandalorian Milita" in the victory condition text.
- 2.2.1 - Bossk appears under all space construction tabs (frigate, capital, station)
- 2.2.1 - Pathing for ISDs and similar larger ships (SSDs, Torpedo Spheres, Praetors, etc) is jank. I know this is not a new issue, but really limits the value of such large ships.
- 2.2.1 - A6 Juggernaut has very short frontal firing range, and must move very close to a target to fire.
- 2.2.1 - On Kalist VI and a second planet which shares the same map (I forgot to note which), the humans that spawn in the town area to the NW have no AI and will not attack my forces, doing nothing but stand around their spawn structures.
- 2.2.1 - The KDY Subsidiary corporation (on Gyndine, I think?) discounts the IDT, A9, and 2-M, while KDY itself on Kuat does not.
- 2.2.1 - AT-PTs attempt to overrun  my infantry, despite being unable to actually kill infantry that way (which is fine, as they are very small vehicles)
- 2.2.1 - My SSD seems to spew its fighters across the map when it deploys them. I've had it on one edge of the map, only to pop several squadrons of Interceptors into the center.

- 2.2 - Chariot LAVs are steaming piles of uselessness. They look bulky and armored, but have much less health than the spindly AT-ST. Bulking out their HP or adding shields might give them more utility as a useful unit for taking hits.
- 2.2 - Tartan cruisers are rather frail compared to their peers the CR90 and Corellian missile gunship. I couldn't 1v1 a gunship with a Tartan - it was losing by a long shot, despite being significantly larger and bulkier and maneuvering preventing the Rebel ship from using its missiles.
- 2.2 - Jedi units (specifically Skywalker and Katarn) seem impossible to bring down even with masses of infantry. I lost eight companies of stormtroopers on Endor to Luke, Kyle, and a small number of Rebel soldiers and ewoks. (It's like the Battle of Endor all over again...) It seems like, also, Rebel forces on Endor spawn far too close to the initial LZ to effectively counter; I remember Corey having a similar problem on his recent Empire's End playthrough.
- 2.2 - Arquitens is OP, having excellent speed, good armament, and extreme durability for its size. Probably health and speed need at least a small reduction.
- 2.2.1 - EA only garrisons two groups of stormtroopers at a time from barracks, while the IR receives those AND speeder bikes and the Rebels receive troops AND plexes. Garrisoning some additional missile troops would be fair. (I noticed PA had the same problem in 2.15, but haven't checked for this version, and I assume other warlord factions have a similar issue.)
- 2.2.1 - AT-PTs are ridiculously durable, especially for their size. (At least their scale is now corrected from the 2.15 versions)

- 2.2 - Storm Commando's text notes them as aligned with the PA, not Eriadu, which I believe is a holdover from 2.15?
- 2.2 - EA starts with two Gladiators over Clak'dor VII, but has no means of building more?
- 2.2 - Belsavis lacks lore text
- 2.2 - I have had Royal Guards spawned from a destroyed Imperial Prison (on Fondor, held by Rebels). 1) What the heck, haha? 2) Why was there an Imperial (green) prison on a Rebel-held planet anyway?
- 2.2 - AT-TEs fire red projectiles, not green or blue. (I clearly recall at least the main cannon firing blue from Revenge of the Sith.) Were they refitted?
- 2.2.1 - AT-AT Landers are hilariously small in space battles.
- 2.2.1 - It might make more sense for Juggernauts to use an AT-AT Lander, rather than those rather flat Imperial Landers?

- 2.2 - Druckenwell and Kalarba share the same map and are adjacent, making sequential battles on them rather repetitive.
- 2.2 - Kashyyyk map only allows for landing 5 units. The occasional map that allows only 8 is fine if it's a small map, but Kashyyyk is rather large and 5 is rather low. Relatedly, I don't think I've captured a single landing zone on all 80+ planets that ISN'T a 5-unit zone. What happened to 2- or 3-unit LZs?
- 2.2.1 - The new Bilbringi map is very difficult to parse, being both darkly-colored and having many changes of elevation and objects that obscure view. Perhaps the map from 2.15 should be reinstated?
- 2.2.1 - Carrack and Ton-Falk have very difficult-to-hear audio cues. They need their mids scooped, then compression and amplification. (I have very limited experience in audio editing and engineering, but can try my hand at this if desired by the team.)
- 2.2.1 - It is very hard to distinguish selected units from the rest on the minimap as the EA, as they are very similar shades of white.
- 2.2.1 - Praetor minimap icon is much too small.
- 2.2.1 - Torpedo Sphere minimap icon is not even remotely spherical, but rather a narrow elongated shape.
- 2.2.1 - Neutron Stars use a Dreadnaught death clone, which I assume to be intentional, as their own is not yet designed; however, perhaps no death clone at all would be preferable to a Dreadnaught one, as it confused me the first time I saw it (wondering if the enemy had brought in Dreadnaughts, if I lost track of the Neutron Star, etc.)
- 2.2.1 - See below - despite conquering 80 planets with little loss, my victory screen now calls me a womp rat XP

I hope presenting all the bugs for one GC and faction at once is helpful rather than difficult to parse. If preferred, I can post individually next time.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 11:46:51 AM by Magus »

April 18, 2018, 11:10:27 PMReply #21

Offline DragonNation5523

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2018, 11:10:27 PM »
Some general balance changes I noticed while playing as the NR in Art of War

AT-PTs are quite durable considering they are tiny now
while Freerunners are extremely frail
T-1Bs still have 5 per company
AT-ATs, Juggernauts(B5 and A6), A9 floating fortresses, Heavy trackers all have less health than they are worth, and proportionally far less health than they should have compared to rebel heavy tanks(T4Bs and T3Bs). Personally I think that T4Bs have too much health when compared to everything, so rather than boosting the health of everything the health of T4Bs should be reduced.
T4Bs out-damage AT-ATs(at least against other vehicles)
Eoth starfighters still have twice as much firepower of all other fighters in the game
Furions, Syca bombers and Scarsiss fighters have missile/ion cannon hardpoints that have 2100 range
Crusader gunships and Tonn Falk escort carriers are the ONLY non-fighter ships in the mod with weapons with firing ranges below 2100.
XQ-5 platform laser cannons have higher range than turbolasers(laser cannons 3000, turboalsers 2100)
Empresses are quite strong, but not sure yet if this is a huge problem
EOTH Gilzean tanks are still OP as they get three per company and each have as much firepower as an AntiVehicle turret
V-Wings do a little over half the laser cannon damage that Snowspeeders do

ARC-170s have too much laser firepower, and also in rear cannon damage
TIE raptors are extremely strong. can deal out 8x the damage of A-Wings and X-Wings
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 11:12:11 PM by DragonNation5523 »

April 20, 2018, 10:38:50 AMReply #22

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2018, 10:38:50 AM »
Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Essence of War
Faction: GM
Description: Admiral Garrik Trier commands [missing].
Admiral Ledre Okins commands [missing] and also lack of text.


Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
Description: Mandalorian Keldabe is burning at the beginning of the battle (missing hardpoints(perhaps)).

Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Empire's End
Description: Zsinj's planet Serenno has capital shipyard, but max level is frigate shipyard.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 02:33:32 PM by Nemesis »

April 20, 2018, 03:46:13 PMReply #23

Offline Magus

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2018, 03:46:13 PM »
Bug report from:
The Stars Align, as the Pentastar Alignment
Steam 2.2.1

- Defense guns on Imperial production structures (barracks etc.) disappear from the model when damaged, but still fire
- Galactic limit of 10 tax collection agencies not taking effect (instead limited to 20 total)
- Jerec's model did not disappear when killed by Luke Skywalker (although, tbf, it was kind of a weird moment, as they seemed to kill each other at the same time. Before and after are in screenshots below, although they aren't terribly clear; Jerec was about half health, as shown, then he and Luke seemingly instantaneously died, leaving Jerec's "ghost" immobile and unselectable. I guess lightsaber battles are messy affairs, haha.)

- A Raider corvette has no hope of touching a Lancer 1v1 (not necessarily a problem - but Raiders and Tartans seem like the bottom of the barrel in terms of corvettes. Do prices reflect that?)
- PA and IR start with no interdictors in this GC, but the Rebels do (Corusca Rainbow)
- Raider corvettes LOSE autoresolve vs two ground units, haha

- PA starts with a Gladiator over both Gabredor III and Bastion, but cannot build more.
- Interdictor Star Destroyer does not deploy bombers per its unit description
- Rei'kas the Rodian slaver sounds like a haughty Imperial, haha ("Shuttle en route.")
- Corusca Rainbow deploys TIE Bombers, while the standard Immobilizer 418 no longer does.

- Wot the jank is Hast doing so far away from the rest of this GCs planets, haha? (It's a real pain to move anything to or from it)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 03:48:43 PM by Magus »

April 21, 2018, 04:32:41 AMReply #24

Offline Bucman55

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2018, 04:32:41 AM »
GC: From the Ground Up
Faction: New Republic
Era: 5
Description: Successfully boarding the last of one of the hostile factions vessels and capturing it will cause the battle to not end unless a retreat is ordered, which depending on the state of the captured vessel would mean losing it.

GC: From the Ground Up
Faction: New Republic
Era: 5
Description: Nearly every capturable object on New Alderaan starts under New Republic control. There are also Imperial aligned AT-STs 2-M tanks just hanging around.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 05:15:20 AM by Bucman55 »

April 21, 2018, 06:30:39 AMReply #25

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2018, 06:30:39 AM »
Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Any progressive or Shadow Hand.
Faction: IR
Description: There are two weird vertical dash-dotted lines in the description of Eclipse.
Upd: I found this also in the description of the Cronus with Night Hammer.

Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Empire's End.
Faction: IR
Description: After Palpatine's death heroes where spawned on Byss, but there was a second Carnor Jax.

Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
Faction: GM
Description: Kosh Teradoc commands [missing].
Leonia Tavira commands [missing].

Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Endor Aftermath
Faction: EA
Description: Governor Lobax Ressun - Retibution commands [missing].


Version 2.2.1-2.2.2(ModDB version)
GC: Caamas Crisis
Faction: NR
Description: Ponc Gavrisom, Traits: [missing].
Talon Karrde, Traits: [missing].
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 07:57:19 AM by Nemesis »

April 22, 2018, 10:59:50 AMReply #26

Offline Magus

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2018, 10:59:50 AM »
Probably unrelated but I'll mention it anyway, in Stars Align I started a battle against the empire against an undefended level 2 shipyard but when the battle started they had a Star Destroyer with 83% on all of its hardpoints there as well.

I've seen that Star Destroyer twice now, both in Endor Aftermath. Intentional random event?

April 24, 2018, 01:22:27 AMReply #27


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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2018, 01:22:27 AM »
I used Isard to attack mon calamari. she was alone, i was doing the even for thrawn, i believe it was like 90% done, and she arrived at moncalamari, after a battle at another planet. There was a retreating fleet from the planet she came from, and i dont know what part of this made her the owner of 3 new republic spacestations. I won the battle of course because i got free units and stations but figured that wasnt supposed to happen normally

April 24, 2018, 01:24:31 PMReply #28

Offline Magus

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2018, 01:24:31 PM »
Bug report from:
The Bacta War as Zsinj's Empire
Steam 2.2.2

- Button to demolish Rancor Base has no image
- Capital ships are constructible at Serenno (is this due to Rancor Base?)
- Terrinald Screed does not reveal the map when entering as space pathfinder
- Bunkers on Corvis Minor IV start controlled by a purple faction

- The ground on Liinade III is ridiculously fortified and allows only 5 reinforcements

- Historical references missing on Liinade III, Corvis Minor IV, Vrosynri VIII
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 04:52:07 PM by Magus »

April 29, 2018, 11:25:22 PMReply #29

Offline Blacksword Admiral

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2018, 11:25:22 PM »
Version: Steam 2.2
GC: Empire's End
Faction Galactic Empire
Era: 1-5
Issue: I haven't done a proper playthrough of EE yet, but I ran through the era progression as quickly as possible just to test it out. The transitions from Pestage to Isard and Isard to Thrawn appeared to work 100% correctly, but from Era 3 onwards there were multiple issues. There were also problems with emergent factions.

1. Harsk does not form Zero Command properly, instead he appears alone above Kalist VI and a single ISD spawns over Abregado-Rae. There were no stations or ground units on either planet.
2. Identical issue with Krennel and the Ciutric Hegemony, except that even Krennel does not spawn, only the single ISD.
3. The Hapes consortium does not spawn in Era 2 or any later era. Their planets remain inaccessible.
4. Palpatine does not appear on the Eclipse in Era 3, instead there is a 1 pop "Era Progression Event" unit with his portrait.
5. Byss remains neutral.
6. Sedriss does not appear at all.
7. When Jax takes over, he appears in the same broken form as Palpatine.
8. As does Daala.
9. Like Byss, the Maw remains neutral.
10. Pellaeon spawns properly in Era 5, and this era otherwise appears to work as intended, except that Rogriss is not recruitable.

May 06, 2018, 06:00:10 PMReply #30

Offline Magus

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2018, 06:00:10 PM »
Bug report from:
The Hunt for Zsinj as Greater Maldrood
Steam 2.2.2

- When Leona Tavira is building a pirate base, any of my ships passing through the system in question cancelled the build :( (I believe this was Metalorn?)
- I took the space over Levian II; I believe there was an Empress station that I attacked but did not finish off before I allowed the rebels to retreat. Upon being counter-attacked, I had an Empress station under my control (see third screenshot). Upon taking the planet's ground, an Empress station showed up under the rebel's losses.
- Human civilians spawning from the single skyscraper on Carida came in as a grey team (neutral?)
- Maldrood Gladiators do not deploy bombers
- While battling Wedge Antilles, a jank-ton of green particle effects appeared (see first screenshot). I couldn't tell for sure, but it almost looked like it was around my own fighters? Furthermore:
- After Wedge was killed, his hero icon remained in the upper left of the screen at ~0% health (see second screenshot). He did not show up in "enemy units destroyed" after the rebels retreated and the battle concluded.
- Mercenary buildings don't do anything?

- Gladiators have single-unit retreat, but no engine hardpoint that one can shoot out to prevent said retreat
- Kashyyyk ground map only allows five units
- Commenor ground map is a deathtrap. There's only one path out of the starting area, and that path is glitchy and janky as all get-out (elevation issues make hitting anything on the way up or down very difficult)

- GM starts with several Gladiators (at least 4) but cannot build more
- Kosh Teradoc commands "[MISSING]"

- A civilian-spawning building is just cut off from the NE edge of the aforementioned Commenor ground map, spawning civilians and having a bounty objective attached to it, but unable to be seen or reached. (I believe a holdover from when that map was bigger?)

I hope reports in this thread are still of use.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 01:33:26 PM by Magus »

May 07, 2018, 10:30:32 PMReply #31

Offline True Light Guy

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2018, 10:30:32 PM »
On the ART OF WAR GC as the NR, there is a planet called missing, way, way, way out their in right field. I only found it when going through the planet summer page.

May 08, 2018, 11:01:38 AMReply #32


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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2018, 11:01:38 AM »
Two Greater Maldrood hero units are missing some text, Garrik Trier in Commands: is marked as [Missing] and Ledre Okins Bio is his command ship and under Commands: is also [Missing]

May 09, 2018, 11:57:42 AMReply #33

Offline fiction12

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2018, 11:57:42 AM »
Im playing Empires End as NR and the AI doesn't seem to want to be offensive. Nobody is attacking. Is there an xml file I can play with to make them work?

May 09, 2018, 01:52:52 PMReply #34


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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2018, 01:52:52 PM »
Im playing Empires End as NR and the AI doesn't seem to want to be offensive. Nobody is attacking. Is there an xml file I can play with to make them work?

I have the same problem as PA in "Essence of War"...nothing happens in global, but in space or land battles the AI is acting "normally"...

May 11, 2018, 02:07:40 PMReply #35

Offline Ordo

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2018, 02:07:40 PM »
Pyn'gani on Righar are neutral and cannot be attacked.

May 22, 2018, 10:39:10 PMReply #36


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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2018, 10:39:10 PM »
Playing "From the Ground Up" as Eriadu Authority. Been using the Juggernaut transports just fine, but all of a sudden I can't garrison units in them anymore, anywhere.
I think this started after I first added the floating fortress(?) to my forces. Everything else seems to be working fine, loving this mod.

June 01, 2018, 06:18:19 PMReply #37

Offline Cassanos

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2018, 06:18:19 PM »
Bug report from:
Essence of War as New Republic (Era 1)
Steam 2.2.4

Game freezes/crashes after the second time EA attacks Sullust.
Fleet composition is Dauntless/MC80/Assault Frigate/Corvette plus Empress vs a large, mixed EA fleet.
The issue has not appeared the first time the EA attacks Sullust with the same fleet composition (albeit smaller fleets), with battles over other planets, nor in other battles with the NR against EA.
Any ideas?

June 10, 2018, 11:02:22 AMReply #38

Offline StormSchutze

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2018, 11:02:22 AM »
EAW Gold GoG version;
TR 2.2.3;

Playing Empire's End as IR
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

1. I get a consistent, repeatable crash during a space battle on Bothawui.

The NR has multiple starfighter wings, MC80 Home One type, couple Dauntless cruisers and other smaller units, a Golan III and an Empress station, while I deploy Isard's SSD, 6-7 lancets, 2 normal ISDs and a wing of Tie Defenders.

At the beginning the game works fine but after a couple minutes it starts stuttering more and more and then it just freezes. I reloaded the save like 10 times and it happened every time I tried. I was only able to overcome this issue by retreating my fleet and coming back later, the enemy removed some units from the planet by then.

2. A minor issue - sometimes  only one enemy fleet is approaching but I still get several warnings about it.

I was having crashing issues on my first playthrought on 2.2, so much so that my game became unplayable at some point because it would always crash. 2.2.3 is however significantly more stable for me than the previous versions. The performance on the galaxy map has improved significantly as well.

I would also like to ask whether the Steam version is any better in that regard? Could getting EaW on Steam resolve some of these stability issues?

June 10, 2018, 12:42:13 PMReply #39

Offline Ordo

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Re: Imperial Civil War 2.2 Known Issue and Bug Report Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2018, 12:42:13 PM »
I would also like to ask whether the Steam version is any better in that regard?
Absolutely, for starters you will get Petroglyph patches that are only released for Steam version.


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