There is always a drop off after the opening weekend. It is still the top grossing film of the year, and this does not at all dispute my contention that there is zero evidence that Disney is pressuring Hamill or others regarding what they say about it.
Right, the guy only comes out and says he flat out disagreed with the direction of the character and had to pretend he was playing someone else, but then magically after people start massively putting that up after a few days I'm sure his newfound praise for the film, you'll notice he still never says he agrees with the character change itself, only that it's for the story to be pushed out of the comfort zone that is good. I'm SURE Disney didn't have anything to do with that considering it owns two broadcast companies and has ties to a lot of the voice acting business that Hamill is actually most known for. I'm absolutely positive that they didn't put one tiny bit of pressure on him to to praise their new cash cow.
And as to your earlier comment, i didn't arbitrarily pick plot points on Mary Sue Rey, never been off Jakku since borderline infancy/VERY early childhood, somehow speaks Wookie, can fix the Falcon before Han, can FLY the Falcon all by herself when she's never even FLOWN before, annihilates Ren by just sort of 'hmm Imma focus now on force stuff' therefore win, does a perfect mind trick with zero training, and for all your talk of Ren being on another level in this film it's not even remotely close to the truth the fact she has some basic self taught staff training and about a week with Luke and she's disarming the most powerful jedi Master in the galaxy, ninja turtling Red guards and her 'struggles' are usually about 30 seconds of mild frustration followed by just getting it. Rey's not a character, she's a bloody macguffin designed to appeal to the female demographic. Which again is unfortunate because Daisy Ridley is a great actress whose talents are not used by this writing. Kinda like what they did to Gwendoline Christie in TFA and this film. It's very frustrating because I like the actors/actresses and they deliver strong performances, but the writing is beyond shit man, I'm talking last season Game of Thrones level of phoned in.
You have characters who routinely contradict the very establishment and development they went through in prior films like Luke contemplating murdering his sleeping nephew over something he hadn't even done, then running away to a nearly 20 odd year pity party without trying to fix anything as well as utterly nonsensical forced conflict with Poe and the vice admiral purely over her withholding information for no reason just to FORCE conflict. The film clearly wants to pander to nostalgia but also wants to be shocking and nuanced while not realizing these goals contradict each other. You can't hearken back to the feel of characters from the OT while simultaneously having them not act like those characters due to their nonsensical actions(leia NOT trying to find Luke in the Force in spite of their bond, nor trying to bring her son back, Luke contemplating murder for possible darkside when he went through hell to try and redeem his dad because he sensed a little good, Han ditching Leia for nearly 20 years and Chewie being absolutely cool with it. Then you have build up with zero pay off, Snoke has no real point to the film for what he contributes plot wise, The First Order can bombard things from Space...but needs a laser battering ram, Fenn is built up to be this torn character who hates fighting, but seems to have zero issue with killing his former stormtrooper comrades, Phasma, I mean shit, you have gwendoline christie's acting talents and a very interesting build up of her and Fenn..and it ultimately leads to nothing of substance, you've got Leia dues ex machina when her death could have had very great potential for Ben's character, speaking of which Ben's entire Dark Side turn an basically be attributed to waking up and seeing the good guy considering murdering him, something Luke would never do even as a youth, much less as an older and more wise man. Then Fenn's attempted big sacrifice, countered by his (gf, friend, associate?) undercuts the point of him willing to sacrifice himself for his new her trying to sacrifice herself for him to prevent him from sacrificing himself for them because her reasons...were different in her eyes.
This is what happens when you have bad writing, your characters contradict themselves and their motivations and have to adapt to the plot instead of the plot adapting to the actions of characters driving it. It badly hurts the film which has good performances from the actors/actresses, decent effects and soundtrack.
It's very similar to what Game of Thrones has become, all spectacle and no substance. Are the actions scenes cool? Yes, but so was the fight between Batman and Superman in that otherwise very forced and badly written movie. That's what I'm getting at, something shouldn't get a free pass because it's SW or any title, pointing out flaws in a film and having that opinion out there is vital to progressing film. I don't want a fancy SW, I want an original and creative one with a lot of actual effort going into the writing and consistency. I want the charisma of the new cast to get the writing and plot they deserve and we as fans also deserve. I don't want Disney to just make a film to grab quick cash, I want them to tug on heartstrings, to dare to go beyond the cliche Imp v Reb, I want Disney to actually use it's vast resource3s to give all SW fans the film they deserve.
It's like seeing people happy to eat crumbs off the floor when on the table is a full sandwich, I want people to have that sandwich!