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Author Topic: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?  (Read 3273 times)

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July 30, 2015, 02:42:31 AM

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Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:42:31 AM »
What would you guys want for a Star Wars game after Battlefront huh?
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July 30, 2015, 08:16:57 AMReply #1

Offline Pali

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2015, 08:16:57 AM »
I'd like a strategy game or flight sim in the vein of the X-Wing series.  I'm tired of Star Wars MMOs and RPGs, and thus far the strategy games have ranged from bad to decent, but have yet to provide us anything truly great, while we've not had a good Star Wars flight sim since Alliance (Rogue Squadron games were excellent, but were arcade games and console-based).

For a strategy game, I want a game that's got ground combat, space combat, diplomacy and espionage, but all of them fleshed out in a massive single-interface real-time strategy game.  Give me Sins-style empire and fleet management, but allow me to zoom into planets seamlessly from space for the battles like in Planetary Annihilation (as bad as that game is...), while I've got diplomats and agents working for me Star Wars Rebellion-style.  Give me a galaxy to play with, with at bare minimum dozens of planets, but preferably hundreds or more.  Give me multiple factions - the ICW period is honestly PERFECT for this, but since the EU no longer counts, Disney's got room to make its own complex universe (yeah, we'll see, but I can hope).  The level of graphics doesn't have to be high, and to keep the game playable for all but very high-end comps it probably couldn't be, but the gameplay is what truly needs to be stellar.  Honestly though, I'd probably be happy even with just an EaW 2 that fixed the original game's issues, particularly ground combat.  I REALLY want the complete integration of empire-space-land under the same game clock, though.

For a flight sim, I want something that's largely a throw-back to the 90s heyday of space flight sims, but not entirely.  Maybe not go all the way to realistic physics, because long-run lancer duels are boring as hell if you're not a knight on horseback, but give ships a bit more weight to them, something more like the feel they have currently in Elite Dangerous - let me kill my X-Wing's thrust for a second, flip around to blast the TIE behind me, then accelerate again through its exploding parts back the way I came.  Have ships react more realistically to damage and impacts, maybe not to Star Citizen's extreme but no more than a couple notches below.  Give a proper sense of scale, that sense that Freespace 2 so wonderfully nailed of making you feel like a fly amongst giants, yet a fly with a nasty sting if you can hit the right spots.  Give me a story - preferably two stories so there are Rebel and Imperial campaigns, but one great campaign is worth ten okay ones - with branching paths depending on what degree of success or failure my missions have, so that I can feel the impact of my actions.  This also allows for the experience of defeats without requiring you to replay the mission, enhancing immersion when you have half a missile load in the next mission because you failed to protect the convoy last time.  Give me wingmen like those in Wing Commander, with personalities and backgrounds and out-of-mission interactions (and in-mission competence), rather than nameless guys who die halfway through the mission and leave you all alone (Freespace 2's single great error was that this happened too often).  Lastly, on this one, the graphics do matter - it should be very, very pretty.  I want to see inside the bridge of the ISD before I pump a pair of torpedoes into it, and I want that bridge to explode realistically when I do.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 08:20:24 AM by Pali »

July 31, 2015, 05:43:32 AMReply #2

Offline Meyer

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2015, 05:43:32 AM »
I agree with you Pali, strategy or flight sim would be nice. I've never been a fan of MMOs or RPGs. I also hope that whatever it is they make I get to play as the Empire and not just the Rebels.
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July 31, 2015, 12:33:44 PMReply #3

Offline Mat8876

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2015, 12:33:44 PM »
If I wanted anything I would like another flight sim arcade or realistic and maybe a replacement for republic commando i'm not a shooter fan but I loved it both should have long and decent campaigns. But most of all it should be focused on SINGLE PLAYER NOT MULTI I hate being killed by people all I ever find when I play with people is I get killed BY MY OWN F*****G TEAM or the enemy finds a hatred towards me and chases and only kills me.
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August 01, 2015, 04:00:35 AMReply #4

Offline Guderian

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2015, 04:00:35 AM »
@Pali yeah i agree.
Although it does sound like Imperial Civil War a bit ^^.
But i wouldn't mind a bit having a new Empire at War, combining Total War Series and Empire at War Elements

August 01, 2015, 06:08:36 PMReply #5

Offline Pali

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2015, 06:08:36 PM »
Honestly, EaW is already very similar in structure to Total War, with separate campaign and battle modes.  What I want is those modes integrated in a Sins style where the campaign map doesn't pause during battles, but all plays out together in real time

August 01, 2015, 08:01:48 PMReply #6

Offline Mat8876

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Re: Next Star Wars game after Battlefront?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2015, 08:01:48 PM »
I'd prefer a game built to be a star wars game rather than based off another game I know that whatever genre it is will have game modes similar but I want it built for star wars not a star wars game based off something or a reskined version of a game.
A Member of the Imperial Alignment(Allies With The Shadow Post Empire).

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