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Ascendancy 0.95 Changelog


Keep in mind the 0.95 version is still a beta version, and is still a transition from 0.9 to the full release; several aspects are still incomplete, in progress, or not yet added.


* New UI - Ability/Research icons not yet redone, fleet logistics screen still in progress
* New Planet Textures (Arboreal, Mountainous, Barren, Oceanic, Arid Oceanic, Swamp)
* Starbases (New Republic: Esseles, Empress. Remnant: Esseles, Command Station
* XQ Resupply Station added (New Republic)
* New Maps: Corellian Sector, Mon Calamari Space

* About a dozen new techs
* Edits to some AI-related values
* Imperial Command Station Logistic Structure removed
* Migration removed
* Shield Generator now tied to planets instead of structures
* All units rebalanced (new starting point, not final values; overall gist is most Mon Calamari ships buffed, Praetor more expensive and more of a tank role)
* Fighter/Bomber squadrons increased to 6 units per squadron
* Galaxy Gun now optional, one per player
* Starting options now significantly impact game speed/size
* AI Should use Capital ships more regularly, reduced experience for level 2/3
* Pentastar Alignment theme and icon added
* Altor: Added Protect ability
* Capital Ship crews redistributed (similar total, less to start, more per tech

* Fixed Golan targetting, shields
* Fixed Missing base-game strings
* Fixed issue where escape pods would prevent AI from building Gallofree landers
Known Issues/To Be Done:

* Still improving AI functionality
* UI work in progress (research icons, ability icons, victory/defeat/loading screens
* Balancing still in progress
* Issue reported where at some point credits will reset to 1, prevent building of starbases and titans - unsure if Sins, mod, or individual problem
* Capital and flagship victories cause instant loss/win on some maps
* Upgrades and abilities still in progress


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