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One of the best ways to convert a Sith is to make him doubt his connection to the dark side. (This advice comes from KotOR II, when HK advises the Exile on how to take down Sion.) That or appeal to his loved ones, which was Vader's situation. Sidious had no loved ones and the only way to reliably make Sidious doubt himself would be to absolutely mop the floor with him in the most one-sided duel in history, and even Luke would not be able to do that. (We're talking about the guy who nearly beat Yoda.) So Luke would try, but he would find out pretty quickly that wasn't going to fly. What would happen next is another story.
While he was able to overcome it, the doubt you allude to brings to mind Darth Bane's greatest adversary in achieving Sith mastery - once he got over his fear of the dark side, his potential skyrocketed. However, if we're going by the EU... Siddious didn't nearly beat Yoda, he DID beat Yoda (Stover's RoTS novel quite clearly has Yoda losing the fight but managing to escape), but Luke later on beats Siddious in the Dark Empire series (it sucks, I know, but it's there). If we're going by movies... Yoda and Siddious pretty much were an equal match, and after a burst of energy throws him out of the immediate fighting area Yoda just decides to give up and run rather than, I don't know, retrieve his lightsaber, attack from a new angle, try to sneak up behind the cackling madman overhead... something? I prefer to go by the books, else I have to think bad things about Yoda there. On the other hand, there are other reasons to think bad things about Yoda, so... *shrugs*
Yoda also realized that the Sith were new. Even if he killed Sidious at that point, the Jedi would have been seen as assassins and still hunted. With galaxy divided and pockets of separatists still active the galaxy would have been embroiled in dozens of conflicts with no clear right or wrong. Just chaos.
Let's play what-if for a moment. With Sidious dead, he can't reach Mustafar. Assuming the other duel doesn't turn out differently, Obi-Wan leaves Anakin to die, and with only two (actually two dozen or so) Jedi left, the galaxy is left on the verge of collapse...but wait! We still have a Senate. What happens next?
I always felt the Senate has a reach a point of complete hopelessness. While some senators aren't drinking the kool-aid Palpatine made, a good majority outright see the man as worthy of being Emperor and cheered at his declaration. At that point, I simply think that after all the deaths, the Republic would indeed cease to exist in short time. It was too corrupted and relied deeply on one man, ironically caused by the same man, and once he kicked the bucket, nobody would really know what the Hell to do since there was no one who had authority as much as Palpatine did and that's all they knew.
I believe the result would be somewhat similar to the original vision for the Empire. A weak puppet Emperor (identity?) with people like Isard, Pestage and Tarkin pulling the strings. And Tarkin holding absolute power over the Galaxy could be even more frightening than what Palpatine did.
That is a thought there, plus Thrawn wouldn't have been recruited, the EotH never born, the multitude of threats in unknown regions unleashed, then there's the Vongs eventual arrival into such a galaxy. Thank the Force Yoda lost that dual.
What I think about the Yoda/Sidious duel is that Yoda was beaten; but not physically. He was a broken man (er, alien) after sensing all those deaths in the Force. Could he have beaten Sidious? I believe he could have, but at what cost? How far would he have gone, might he have embraced the power of the Dark Side to defeat Palpatine, not to defeat an enemy, but simply as a blind act of revenge?Yoda was beaten because his hands were tied. He couldn't become what was necessary to defeat Sidious without betraying everything he stood for.
I agree that this or something very similar is probably what Lucas wanted people to take away from it, but it's just poorly handled in the movie. The book recovers the fight's credibility nicely, though.P.S. Agreed on Dooku's begging for his life being uncharacteristic for him.
That seems like a rather hollow victory in light of things.