Zaarin- Brilliant, since he developed my all time favorite starfighter in the SW universe.
Batch- Sure, created the Tie Phantom, but took forever to do it, had to really raise the ire of the entire Rebellion to do it, and ended up being assassinated by his own crew. Pretty abject failure, if you ask me.
Declann - Never really did anything, died on the DSII
Grant - Crybaby. Never really did anything, then hid in the Pentastar Alignment until heat cooled off and he could defect to the NR.
Grunger - Really bad loser.
Raz - Did nothing, commited suicide over the death of the Emperor. REALLY bad loser.
Makati - Died doing his job, I like him. Wish there was more about him.
Pitta - Kinda funny that he picked a fight with Grunger and died because he won. Oh, the irony.
Syn - Lost to Ackbar. How pathetic of a tactical mind do you have to be to lose to someone who's only claim to faim is being able to spot a trap AFTER it's been sprung?
Takel - I admit, I had to look up a list of Grand Admirals to even know he was one. No idea who he is, or what he did. Leads me to believe he was probably a waste of carbon.
Teshik - One of my favorites. While spent most of his life as a violent, heartless villain, he was once, and was at his death, a good man.
Tigellinus - Didn't really do anything. Killed by other imperials. Meh.