Hey guys,
Awesome mod but I found a several difficult to handle bugs in terms of game balance and enemy spawns. My apologies if I somehow missed someone else reporting these already. Details follow:
1. On the "From the Ground Up" campaign, the NR faction gets 3 Viscounts for free at the start of the GC and the EotH gets an unknown number of phalanx destroyers (can't reach them since I have my hands full with rebels. I've taken everything up to New Alderran and Hakassi by week 11 then they throw a Viscount, two BACs, and a Assault Frigate while my fleet is running ragged from all the heat that gets tossed their way from multiple directions again at week 11. Is there a way to take away what the most powerful republic superweapon there is no way they should not get for free at GC start?
2. The Vic II's do not have their full fighter complement of four squadrons (see description). I only get one drone squadron for each Vic II.
3. Many of you guys seem to have something that allows you to choose what to hyper in while I have my fleet autodeployed with no ability to turn that off and I have no idea if you guys are expecting the use of a mod. Given the problem highlighted in 1. I would at least like half a chance to ram my Vic II's up some cheating AI's posterior with maximum firepower! My hardest hitting ship at week 11-12 is Vic II's BTW. I can't capture the closest Cap Ship yard to the IR in that time obviously (especially given 1. breathing down my neck on week 11 at Hakissa!)
4. I'm forced to kill spams on more than one odd occasions where I really should not be at all (given said shipyards built at Gavin IV, Harikiss at horrific expense in IR terms - their economy is horrific at FTGU GC start). Any idea why simply loading a save would spam orange meanies (typically a BAC and a corvette or two and at other times a unit of NR soldiers). Does anyone else have this problem with spammy rebels popping into existence far from my hasty and extremely weak border defenses? Those extremely meager defenses (hey it was week 10 and I start with almost nothing!) should at least trigger a space battle I would lose anyway. I work my fleet with only one stupid escort carrier lost and it feels like the rebellion starts with every planet and a 50000 credits/wk balance, a captital shipyard, full defense platforms at all planets, and at least five extremely wealthy starting planets!
5. Does the NR and EotH get a capital shipyard for free? Do they get multiple Viscounts for free? Do they start with the ability to send a corona to orbit a planet along with one troop and snowball turbolaser defenses and a troop producing structure on a non-NR world and insta-win against the AI? More importantly, how do I get to cheat back! No matter how many of them I kill or how ruthlessly I drive my empire to conquer systems quickly or how shy I am to accept unit casualties, they just keep coming like Zerg Swarms with superweapons!
6. The NR sent a 49 cap fleet that didn't include super weapons by week 16. I have one 18 cap fleet and several ground troops + 11 planets. I drove off a 21 cap EotH that week at Galtros IV that week then moved my fleet to kill several NR spawns that popped up on the other side of the Empire. That was when the NR struck at Galtros IV. They only had one planet that was capable of sending that fleet to Galtros IV from whatever is up and to the right of New Aldeeran. Its like the NR is starting off with 25+ planets at the start of the campaign with full industries and capital shipyards and 9999999 credits + 3 Viscounts + insta-build spam fleets. It takes my side about a week to build ONE Vic II ship! I heard of long odds but this is like fighting a stampede of enraged bulls high off of ecstasy alone in the middle of the road at night armed only with a paper butterknife and a wuffle bat.
Is there anyway to balance/mod the AI or at least tweak the GC start parameters for the NR and to a much lesser extent EotH?
Mod's awesome but 3 Viscounts eating me at week 11 and random 40+ fleets thrown at me before week 16 doesn't seems a bit off especially when the IR starting position and resources are so very few. I do love the idea of starting with one planet though.
Thanks for listening guys!