Just wondering, why do some people here dislike LOTF/FOTJ? Was it Jacen suddenly being a Sith Lord? Another Galactic Civil War rehash, I'm just curious.
I didn't really like or dislike it. It all was kind of vanilla for me. LOTF was a definite rehashing and the childish comparative between Jacen and Anakin (to which the author DIRECTLY alluded to instead of going the more low-key route of letting it either slip through the inattentive readers or being noticed by the Lore-fanatics). It ruined the entire story since you already knew that Jacen would have to die by the hand of a family member. Using Corellia and its discontent as sort of galaxy-wide problem was ridiculous. It, to make a long rant short, completely out of original ideas and I ended up seeing one of my favorite Imperial characters (Paelleon) being killed for no real good reason.
FATJ had a promising start (minus Daala being elected the fricken head of state). It even had a nice tie-in with the older story lines involving the Sith. It was interesting to think about "What if a lost tribe of the Sith did happen to come to light?" but instead of having that be the focus for our character's adventures, they invented Abeloth and then retconned a bunch of BS into saying that the Maw was created solely to keep her trapped. The entire story line about Abeloth as some sort of avatar of the Dark Side or of the Force, is, imho, quite ridiculous. They were simply trying to tie in Abeloth with the idiotic BS involving the "Brother" and "Sister" combo from TCW tv show, to further justify both. It was stupid.
Nothing would make me happier than to see a story focused entirely on the Remnant and Fel's eventual coronation to Emperor and starting the Fel Dynasty.