A little scenario for you folks:
You are about to take a well defended world from the Imperial Remnant for the Pentastar Alignment. The planet has lots of build pads in enemy territory, turbolasers, structures, a generator protected by AA turrets and a shield generator, a garrison consisting of a large number of IDTs and XR-85s, plus whatever is garrisoned by the factories and barracks. Think like, Carida, Corulag, Garos IV, Byss, that sort of thing. The transports, when the battle starts, load up on troops from the barracks and rush the reinforcement point that you have. Some of them attack, while others land the troops in order to capture your only reinforcement point. The Remnant has the credits and structures necessary to replenish their losses quickly.
You have fifteen seconds before the first pair of IDTs reaches the point, and thirty before all of them are there. How do you take the planet? What units do you deploy?