I can't distribute those files, and they're included with the game anyways I'm pretty sure. I don't even think any legitimate hosting site would accept the files if I just tried to submit a bunch of base game source files.
If you want them, just reinstall FoC as the English version, take the EnglishSpeech.meg out of Data and SFX2D_English.meg out of Data/Audio/SFX, paste them somewhere you'll remember, rename them to GermanSpeech and SFX2D_German.
Reinstall FoC as German, and then whenever you want to play the mod just switch out the real German sound files for the English ones pretending to be German.
Basically, we're a mod team, we're not a real game development or publishing company with ready access to a bunch of voice actors, sound designers, composers and whatnot. There's about 10 of us and this is done in our spare time for free. We can't hire people to do things, which means any support for other language versions of the mod has to come from outside volunteers who speak those languages. We've been trying to find people to translate it for other languages which people seem to want, but it's kind of unfeasible for us to learn the languages ourselves just to translate the mod, for obvious reasons (there is one German on the team, but he's got other things to do than translate).