that's the point. You can't just suppose that the enemy surrenders after you take out the regular army. didn't learn anything from the WWII? La Resistance? rings any bells? If you think that fighting ends when you have conquered the country you are even more stupid than I thought. Conventional war. bah! you sound like british about the boer wars. I don't remember who it was who said that it was unfair of the boers to do surprise attacks and then retreat. They should have just stand in line and wait the british to shoot. them. So face it. USA isn't so powerful after all. you can defend yourself well. but you can't bring order to areas you have conquered. maybe you just should nuke anyone you don't like.
No meyer, you're obviously more stupid than i thought, which almost seems impossible at this point. Who cares about bringing order? Once the regular army is taken out, which is quite possible, its then just a policing operation. Did I ever suggest in my post killing the army kills the fighting? No, I didn't. You sir, need to stop blowing up and insulting people every fucking time someone says something you don't agree with.
Anywayz, off-topic and locked