Well... This "This says it all..." says it all...
Don't get it twisted, PC master race for sure!
But, these days, doesn't EVERYONE have at least one console on addition to a computer?
It's not as simple as it was in the old days when we were kids... Back then the insane price tags on electronics, such as game consoles, more or less precluded the option of having both a console, AND computer capable of playing quality games.
And while game consoles are still pretty god damned expensive, they definitely seem to be more accessable to all age ranges/gender/culture/etc! Which gives an entire family license to both want and to play console gaming. Essentially, it's made gaming into something that even someone's grandparents will feel justified and comfortable buying.
PLUS, with the extreme, and widespread use of 'emulation' these days, anyone can buy a halfway decent PC, and use it to play any console game that they can find/have the Roms of.
In essence, my point is that the "Great debate and divide between Console & PC Gaming" isn't particularly relevant, or important anymore. With tech costs falling upon the release of each new generation of gaming engines & platforms.. Gaming in ALL of it's forms and iterations are more accessable now then they've ever been before.
TLDR= Why not both?