First times Sins player because I heard it was pretty good?
1. Level cap for capital ships?
I'm a huge Warcraft 3 fan, so of course the idea of upgradable capital ships is something I am absolutely in love with due to my experiences in WC3, but I've heard the level cap for ships in Sins is 10 WC3 but they don't have all of their abilities fully upgradable?
2. Recommended way to do research.
I've already decided that TEC Loyalists are the best for me as I always preferred either Paladin-Archmage-Blood Mage + Knights and Rifelmen + Preists and Sorceresses in WC3, so a faction about healing and lots of armor is something I like. But not sure how to do the whole, research thing. Took me ages to figure out (literal years) the best way to go about upgrading a small elite force in WC3 along with heroes and such, so what should I focus on in Sins first?
3. Recommended ship composition for small elite force.
I like micro as much as the next guy, but I prefer to work with a small amount of units compared to having a big massive army, and as far as I've read the TEC don't play like that but, what styles of ships should I get if I want to maintain a small force? Asking for both specific ships and ship types.
4. Recommended ship composition for replaceable spamming.
The exact opposite of the above.
5. Recommended capital ships.
As far as I've heard the Kol and the Akkan are mainstream ships. But where why and how should I get each one?
6. Please explain the Titan to me.
No idea what to do with a massive expensive tank.
7. Culture.
How to culture?