So I was playing maldrood, I still have yet to build a bellator so I figured I would start a game, rush kuat, and build one. I take kuat and build everything up. Two Bellators are in being built. unfortunately, I misunderstood that emergent factions appear no matter who holds the planet. I kill zinji and lose
2x Golan 3s = 10000
2x Golan 2s = 7000
1x Golan 1s = 2000
2x Bellators = 50000
2x Hypervelocity guns = 6000
For a total of 75000 credits.
I then immediately retook the planet, realized I lost everything, and turned off the game.
I forgot to add in what I spent on the shipyards themselves,
Light = 600
Medium= 1200
Capital = 2200
Real total = 79000 credits