Didn't think to screenshot it at the time but I just had a funny battle where I was attacking an imperial world which I knew had a sovereign class SSD and an executor along with support ships and a praetor. I jump in with my 3 praetors and venator squadron because I'm pentastar and as my praetors begin engaging the enemy SSDs turn around and retreat which eventually led to my fighter swarm and praetors chasing them all the way back to their golans with the enemy barely fighting back. I kill both SSDs about this time and then probably like 4 enemy praetors jump in to attack me. Then the moment I kill a praetor or two an executor jumps in and promptly turns away from my weakened praetors. I eventually at the cost of about 5 venators a few ISD2 and a praetor killed 2 executors, a sovereign, several victory class destroyers, 2 Golan 2s, and 4 praetors all because the AI was having an off day and pointing its SSDs away from me haha. Anyone else encounter the AI making such fatal mistakes with SSDs? The empire in my game is losing against the NR to the south so why they had 7 high powered ships just sitting on my border instead of sending them somewhere i dont understand.