Hello everybody !
I thought it would be simpler for me to create a topic because i had singular questions to ask, but i allow you to suppress it once all my problems are solved, of course...
I just installed it today and i don't have anymore missing because i changed the textfile, but i am supprised that i have only the tech level 2 in the empire of the hand and only 3 buildings, is that normal ? It means very few vehicules and only 2 types of infantry units
Also, I have RAW and clone wars installed on my PC and i wonder if the AI will be affected, knowing that I already had many pbs with those games but now they finally work well, but i heard so many good thgs about your mod that i had to test it
but i don't want it to affect my game, as you may understand
I read the FAQs about it, but i don't understand the thing about it : "change XML and script folders and don't forget to do it again after", i dont understand anything about that
PS : please, I'm only expecting, as written in your forum rules, comprehension, politeness and respect as I respectfully ask my question, as I am not really strong in computer stuff, I require your pedagogue talents
but take your time to answer me, I evidently won't blame you about this,
thank you !!!