I'll start by saying this: I did NOT expect you to personally reply to that. I love Thrawn's Revenge and only want to help. I was not intending to criticize anything.
Criticize whatever you want, as long as it's constructive we're happy to hear it. Hearing "this is awesome" feels great, but it's infinitely more helpful to hear "this part is cool, but this part is broken." We don't always do everything, but we read/consider all of it. The only time we get upset is when people come in with a list of demands and presume to tell us how to do our jobs. I try to respond to everything, too.
However, I do think mods should not evolve in a vacuum. There's plenty out there, and there are many ways to take inspiration without direct copying.
I want to expand on this a bit, but I need to be careful how I word it and it's 5am so I'll come back to it sometime.
The AT-AT thing may not be a bug per se, but the unit itself sorta shrinks when firing and then readjusts itself for some reason. I have no idea why this is.
I think it has to do with how inverse kinetics (how it adjusts its animations) deals with terrain when firing. There may be a line we can fidget with to fix it, but I've never had a good chance to. It's been pretty low priority because it's not exactly gamebreaking and it'll take a while to sort it out, if that's even possible, since we've made no appreciable changes to the original unit.
For example, one thing RAW does with reused sound samples is to cut out all direct references to the parent unit. For example, Durge uses Urai Fen's sound, and what they did is simply cut out the line "Urai Fen here". If this was done with the T-1B and T-3B, for example, they would feel like their own units. (On a related note, why does the TIE Interceptor not use its own sound?)
It's something we've considered and may do more of going forward, but honestly until 2.0 was done we didn't even have VO's on the table. There was simply too much to clean up, not the least of which being the EotH revamping project which only just finished after 2 years. It probably sounds lazy, but that kind of extended cleanup with old low-severity bugs hanging around for a while; even though the project is seven years old, it's also huge and was the first project for us, which is why I'm willing to publically bash every previous version of the mod. Frankly rebuilding TR from scratch after 1.0 probably would have been more efficient than trying to keep building on it. So yeah, we added and adjusted some VOs with 2.0 and will do more for 2.1 but the gains there are less noticeable. The TIE Interceptor thing is something that's sort of hung around for a while (it's been in my notebook for like 3 years; yes, I keep track of these things in a notebook with a pencil, it's sad). It's the result of when we switched from EaW to FoC. Our TIE Interceptor was coded into EaW before FoC was released, so when we ported the mod to the expansion, the new coding went with it and we just never put the sounds in. I've done it for 2.1 though.
While you're here, and I did ask about this on your own boards, is there anybody that knows how to make Luke's Lucky Strike work?
Honestly I have no idea what FoC's problem is with that ability and I wanted to look into it before I gave a response to that thread. We just started going into beta, so I've still got some finalization on a few pieces of content to do, but after that I'm focusing on bugs.
where projectile weapons do not penetrate shields. BTW, what was the reasoning behind that? I would think it had something to do with preventing cheap runs on a ships' shields; am I right?
It's partially that, and partially because it's more canon. You can really go either way on the canon thing I guess, since there's two types of shields; one which bombs couldn't go through and one which they could, but for balance having them able to go through basically meant the only viable tactic was to bomber spam, and then if you had fewer fighters and bombers than the enemy you'd probably lose.