« on: September 05, 2010, 10:33:16 AM »
I have been philosophizing about Art of War from the Remnant perspective. It seems difficult for them to enjoy the interesting era progression enjoyed by the Republic when a leader is assassinated, as there in no way for them to evolve/devolve. It seems as if most players would play it through in the Isard Era, unless by some grave miscalculation or intentional suicide mission, Ysanne dies. I was kicking around the idea of how a goal-oriented campaign might drive the storyline better for the Imperials perhaps, maybe even time sensitive missions, or perhaps certain timeline checkpoints that occur naturally at set dates. For instance, if Ysanne is not defeated by day X, Reborn Palpatine appears with X fleet on X planet, and the timeline progresses. alternatively, maybe bringing back research centers to increase unit options, while losing leaders (esp after palpatine) loses/changes the option set. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this?