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Messages - Seraphim

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Re: favourite sith
« on: December 14, 2012, 04:13:43 PM »
I'd say my top 5 would be:

1) Darth Sidious aka Palpatine (for actually having been able to defeat the Jedi Order in such a Machiavellian fashion, forge the first Galactic Empire, convince the majority of the Galaxy that the Force was made up, and having been able to return from the dead)

2) Darth Revan aka the Revanchist (for intending to conquer the Republic and convert the Jedi in order to fight off the True Sith, he would have arguably been able to do it if not for Malak's betrayal, but so it goes; the fact that you also get to play as him -albeit in an amnesiac, brainwashed state- is also pretty rad, also for influencing Bane to enact the Rule of Two)

3) Darth Plagueis aka Hego Damask (I heard the audiobook... and he makes this list for the following: his voice after donning the transpirator mask, for one, the fact that he's equal parts Sith mystic-mad scientist-financial power broker, and most importantly, because he is the mentor to Palpatine in the ways of the Sith and galactic politics)

4) Darth Bane aka Dessel (the Sith Lord from humble beginnings who took on the Brotherhood of Darkness and triumphed, and for enacting the Rule of Two)

5) Darth Traya aka Kreia (for being the only Sith Lord who did not aspire to greater power through the Force, but sought instead to eradicate it completely, in so doing -it can be argued- attempting to liberate the Galaxy from what she perceived as its 'will')

Honorable Mention:
Darth Vader aka Anakin Skywalker (I personally think that Vader, so utterly evil and bad-ass, and in the end, so very noble, in the Original Trilogy was a great character, but the prequels, TFU, and the fact that his sacrifice was ultimately in vain -in other words, Palpatine returns from the grave- in essence, what I view as his portrayals in the EU, really diminish my appreciation for his character; however, he's given this honourable mention due to his actions and presence in ANH and Empire)

The Lounge / Re: Country of Residence?
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:34:17 PM »
ON Canada, born and raised ;)

GMT -0500 (1534 hrs)

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Cannot capture Ession
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:30:05 PM »
Ran into the same problem myself while playing as IR in the campaign 'Fractured Empire'. The planet itself was NR controlled. I ended up conquering the rest of the Galaxy (as Ession was the only NR planet left, I turned my full attention to the Pentastar Alignment), leaving Ession to the end. Seeing no other solution, I invaded the world again, and Auto-Resolved from orbit  8=)

On a similar note:
While on the land tactical map itself, I had attempted to Auto-Resolve beforehand, but with no effect.

Needless to say, the use of the smiley in my last post implies my efforts were successful in crowning Isard as Empress :)

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Cannot capture Ession
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:23:04 PM »
Ran into the same problem myself while playing as IR in the campaign 'Fractured Empire'. The planet itself was NR controlled. I ended up conquering the rest of the Galaxy (as Ession was the only NR planet left, I turned my full attention to the Pentastar Alignment), leaving Ession to the end. Seeing no other solution, I invaded the world again, and Auto-Resolved from orbit  8=)

On a similar note:
While on the land tactical map itself, I had attempted to Auto-Resolve beforehand, but with no effect.

Pages: [1]
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