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Messages - Silvermarch

Pages: [1]
I engaged and killed Isard as EotH and now I can't fight any battle no matter where I move my fleet. I can't fight the IR, PA, nor the NR. I can only move around.

Also my fleet was on Morishim during and after the briefing about Thrawn going back to the Empire. After the briefing my fleet engaged Turr Phennir by himself. The first time I killed him and the game never declared me as victorious and I couldn't do auto-resolve. So I reloaded and retreated instead.

There's also a message that says "Pentastar Alignment minor space victory at Morishim. Ships lost: 0" repeatedly.

Some screenshots:

I have noticed that if I train Admiral Ackbar in skirmish, sometimes I don't get him in my reinforcement tab. It has happened two or three times now.

What about tactics to sink a SSD? I have been avoiding playing as the NR because of Imperial heroes such as Isard and Kaine makes it hard for me to expand in era 1.

The Lounge / Re: Personal Flagship Name?
« on: August 30, 2012, 01:21:00 AM »
Vera, Sovereign Heart, or Guns of Glory.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Kariek Cruiser's death clone
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:50:41 AM »
I was wiping out an EotH fleet when I noticed that the death clones of the Kariek Cruiser is bigger than its normal model, so
I took a couple of screenshots from right before a Kariek cruiser's death to after.

Its an interesting problem to say the least.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Developer LP
« on: August 29, 2012, 11:03:33 PM »
I wouldn't mind watching it to see if I could learn anything new about the game.

Well, I just found out that this problem isn't exclusive to EotH. I am now running across this problem as the IR in era 2. Same GC.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Mixed raid fleet
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:52:54 PM »
Ah, okay. Didn't realize Warlords could raid too. Never mind then.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Mixed raid fleet
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:46:11 PM »
Hi guys,

An issue that have happened a couple of times during a GC playthough is that sometimes the raid fleet are mixed. Most of the time its just a few Nebulon frigates alongside with one or more ISDs. I even took a screenshot during one of the space battle

Note: I was playing through the Stars Align as the IR.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Novatrooper build limit
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:25:21 PM »
I can verify this problem for Final Imperial Push. Its not as much as there is a build limit set to one because you can actually queue up the unit, but the build icon for Novatroops disappears as soon as you build one.

Hi guys,

I was playing Essence of War as the Empire of the Hand, and I noticed that Thrawn cannot be called in as a reinforcement. I have tested it out a couple of times and Thrawn just disappears from the reinforcement tab after the battle starts, but have no problem if he comes into the battle from the start.

Edit: Okay, it seems like its also a problem in Art of War too.

Pages: [1]
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