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Messages - Yan-Chan's cuter and TOTALY less psychotic twin

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: The "new"SW RP Thread
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:41:06 AM »
Burk'yc looks over to Sarad and crosses her arms casually. "Atin 'ill be fine, he can handle himself. Lets just head to the ship beca-" She is cut off by a yawn that managed to escape from her mouth. " Ugh... jeez i've been awake for too long. It's been thirty-six hours ,so don't be surprised if you two have to drag me to the ship." She then motions to Illya and Sarad." well, let's get goin'." Now they head for the ship, unaware of what lurks in the shadows.....


Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:14:18 AM »
Dark souls' Yhorm the giant of the profaned capital

STORM RULER op plz nerf.

Welcome to the Boards / Re: Hello, everyone!
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:07:05 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: November 12, 2018, 10:41:30 AM »

Forum Games / Re: The "new"SW RP Thread
« on: November 12, 2018, 10:39:54 AM »
As Burk'yc continues sifting through the system,most of which was corrupted, either from age or lack of maintenance(it's likely both) , she comes across messages and  fuzzy security recordings mentioning a Sith Lord, Darth Nihilus,they also mentioned setting a trap for this Sith. She transfers the data to a nearby monitor on her left. She turns to Illya with a question."Hey Illya, i cant tell what these records are talking about,could you see if you can do any better?"
hey Eric, you can do the details on the recordings if you want.

The thing is... most of our ideas suck or are outright stupid. if it feels like we're making you do all the work we'll see if any of them might work.
We could try that  Warhammer40k lost Space Marine idea? Infinities...???

Forum Games / Re: The "new"SW RP Thread
« on: November 07, 2018, 10:40:12 AM »
Im back from being MIA and death!

Burk'yc raises her hand to acknowledge Illya's question. "Ill do it" She says in a tone out of the norm of her normal quiet self.  "Huh?, I actually think she's grown on me? Thats funny 'cause with most people,I'm not like this way around 'em.

Burk'yc starts running through the security systems, she notices that they give only minor resistance. " This seems too easy, something's wrong."

Welcome to the Boards / I HAVE BEEN REBORN
« on: October 09, 2018, 12:50:19 PM »
blame profile shenanigans

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