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Messages - Star Defender

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Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Super Capital Shipyards
« on: September 26, 2018, 06:44:59 PM »
With Super Capital Shipyards on their way in version 2.3 I was just wondering which planets people thought should be able to build these important new resources and whether they should give additional bonuses or have added defenses.

For planets I would say the following should for sure have super capital shipyards: Kuat, Fondor, Corellia, Mon Calamari, Yaga Minor and Byss.

I think planets that could possibly have super capital shipyards are: Bilbringi, Sluis Van, Hast and Hakassi.

In terms of defenses I think that they should remain unarmed, similar to the smaller shipyards, but should have a garrison which includes 2-3 cruisers (MC80b, ISD2, etc.)


Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Corona-class Hardpoints
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:11:32 AM »
Is the Corona-class frigate supposed to lack hard points like the CR90-Corvette and some other small ships? I am asking as the Nebulon-B, which it is supposed to be the successor to, does have hardpoints. I have only ever played 2.2.5 so I have nothing to compare the present version/model to.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / IR Anti-Aircraft Turret not Firing
« on: August 29, 2018, 08:53:58 PM »
While playing the IR my anti aircraft turrets were not firing on Eriadu Authority ships, specifically the Lancet, IDT and their Bombing Runs. The turrets would track the units but would not fire on them even if they were right next to them. The planet this was occurring on is Yag'Dhul.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Viscount Armament
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:26:32 AM »
The in game model for the Viscount class only appears to be armed with Turbolasers while the manual states that it has 54 Heavy Turbolasers and 54 Turbolasers, like the Executor class. Is this an error in the manual or a tool tip error in the game?

Also, what are the possible names for the individual Viscount class ships? Are they the same as in the cannon, i.e. Bounty, Krakana and Viscount?

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: NR Era Change Glitch
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:12:33 AM »
I have an update regarding the glitch.

After waiting 80 days the era progression dialogue for Era 4 will play, the one regarding Daala, the Maw will then open and Daala will appear there. After defeating Daala the Era 5 progression dialogue will appear and the era will advance. The glitch seems to be tied to the Era 3 junction.

I also discovered that the T-47 Airspeeder was locked after the original glitch occurred and that good Luke and bad Luke were present at the same time in 'Era 3'.

There also doesn't seem to be any research related build options relating to the Viscount like the manual indicates there is. Is this an error in the manual or part of the glitch?

Hope this helps

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: NR Era Change Glitch
« on: August 25, 2018, 07:09:19 PM »
Does that mean the New Republic can't advance past Era 3 or win in Galactic Conquest?

I just downloaded the game a few days ago and Empire's End with them was my first campaign/playthrough.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / NR Era Change Glitch
« on: August 25, 2018, 07:38:18 AM »
While playing the New Republic on Admiral difficulty in GC on the End of an Empire campaign I had a glitch where, after defeating Thrawn, an era change glitch would occur. This error resulted in the current era being displayed as Era 4 and resulted in all locked units becoming unlocked (i.e. Viscount Star Defender, Nebula Star Destroyer etc,). Emperor Palpatine would spawn as normal and the era change dialogue was for Era 3. After defeating Emperor Palpatine, however, the era would not advance. The Maw and Koornacht Cluster remained locked, Byss unlocked as normal. Has anyone else experienced this?

I am playing on version 2.2.5 on the retail disc version.

I would like to add that I am really enjoying the game and in awe of all the effort put into it.

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