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Messages - nightangel

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I can see a lot of people talking how big a step up  the cruel Ai is
Kinda of reminds of the old republic at war difficulty

I understand  this varies depending on the faction used but any general Any hints or tips for dealing with cruel Ai  for Galatic conquest

I 'm planning to start a new galatic game but wanted to wait until the next update due to the issues with the current patch
wondering if its going to be soon or later in the month

was not sure where to ask this

I've been editing the file in the workshop mod diectory to make the game harder been even after i give the Ai a 4x bonus of most of the settings
 it does not seems to really change anything when i play

I was looking to edit my game to make the AI a bit harder without having to do self imposed challenges
Already playing on maximum hardest setting

I wanted to know if the thrawns revenge mod does it use the  DIFFICULTYADJUSTMENTS.XML. file
As per this topic

Or the a different file that I would need to edit

I was looking to remove the delay on the AI starts moving their fleets around and start taking planets

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Boarding right now is too OP
« on: April 24, 2018, 05:48:11 AM »
"First, the ability can be used 4 times in a battle. "

Yes i agree I'm probably not going to be able to successfully that many times per battle.

But if focus and can gain 1 Large capital ship per battle that i win  by targeting the small ships first that is still very powerful

Also think about targeting the small carrier type frigates, most of them have poor weapons  and once you defeat their fighter cover would also easy to weaken them for boarding.

Considering the AI often has the smaller fast ships coming in first there  is a decent chance you could capture both  a frigate  and one of the larger captial ships per battle that you win with just one boarding ship.

Add in with smart tactics and ship management capturing 2 capital ships per battle  is certainly possible buy weakening both targets and shifting focus fire .

I can certainly see the republic using this ability its fits with their character  if it was harder for them to get  larger capital ships due to lack of resources

Also To make it fair when fighting the AI i feel it should focus on targeting the boarding craft  first thus requiring you to focus on removing their targets weapons. This would increase the difficulty  in using boarding ships

  Or make one use per battle or some of my other suggestions.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Boarding right now is too OP
« on: April 22, 2018, 12:26:56 AM »
First just want to say love what you have done the game is a lot better the AI is a lot tougher
I know boarding is a new feature and with will be changes

But boarding right now is too OP

Even with the 10,000 cost for a boarding craft on my first use i stole a IMP star II using the republic

Since i’m both gain a craft and my enemy loses, the boarding craft  it almost paid for itself if the first battle

If I am gaining a capital ship every battle I win i’d probably not need to buy hardly any capital ships 

Playing as the New republic in particular I find its very easy to capture ships

Mon calamari  crusiers  shield regen as tank plus starfighters to target specific part on the ship
When the target is damaged  enough i tell my fighter to fly away and my cruisers tank while the boarding craft come and do thirs
I don’t have to worry about destroying the the target too much   since my cruise have less fire power and with shield regen on even less.

So some suggestions on how to fix it

-    Only allow the capture of frigate craft . This makes the free ships I capture  less overwhelming while still being useful. Particularly if the capture ability cooldown  takes a long time or one shot per battle  To prevent farming. This also makes sense in reality that the single boarding ship can only capture a smaller frigate.   

-   Make the boarding a one shot ability that consumes the boarding craft but reduce the price of the boarding craft .

-   Have a cost based upon the ship you capture representing the repair rearm and recrew of the ship. So an big expensive ship costs more to capture than say a cheap ship.

With both of these suggestions If I am getting a reduced ship cost rather than a free ship it can be more balanced.

Imperial Civil War Tech Support / Re: Game Crashes Every Time I Play
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:19:52 AM »
im having the same issue game was working fine and suddenly crashes when i try to save or start a battle

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