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Messages - briG

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Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: economy buildings
« on: September 27, 2017, 04:42:01 AM »
Why didn't you say so? That would be fantastic if a solution could be thought of. It would mean you have more variety in units and have to do more with less. Ideally, you would still be able to use cheap units late into the game because stronger units are cost prohibitive.

One thing I did particularly think was neat about Mon Calamari(or does ICW have a version of MonCal? idk)  is that you could go in the backside of the defender base using repulsorlift vehicles and get at their power generator that way.

Unfortunately air units trivialize ground combat in GC. Skirmish can be fun though.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: economy buildings
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:34:51 AM »
It's not a terrible idea, but it would just add an inch of depth for not much gameplay value.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: economy buildings
« on: September 15, 2017, 02:47:30 AM »
Mining facilities are enough. I'd wager they might need to be nerfed because once you control a decent number of planets with large numbers of slots to mass one type of unit production building on so its quick, you can just spam mining facilities on every other planet that doesn't need any fortification. After doing that for awhile you basically have infinite money to throw around.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Star Destroyer suggestions
« on: September 15, 2017, 02:02:48 AM »
I did some math awhile back and the ISD-I puts out enough ion cannon DPS to where if it is hitting a shielded capital ship it will outdamage an ISD-II. If you are on a map with not many asteroids and other obsacles and can micro it to shoot what you want you can make good usage of it to shred shields and let your more turbolaser heavy ships finish them off.

It really is much easier to just build ISD-IIs though and a-move. Because if the pathing starts acting janky like it usually does trying to get anything to attack anything is a nightmare. So a cost reduction of the ISD-I or increase in ISD-II cost would be in order.

About the VSDs though... I really do love the VSD-I and CCVSD. The VSD-I I always felt packed more punch than the VSD-II but the CC variant upgrades puts it well above the VSD-I in terms of raw firepower. Easily my favorite ship due how small they are. They can easily be manuvered around to where I need them in battle and put out so much damage.

I'd prefer some around choke points on the map, but some maps just are quite large and have far too many. They always give me a bit of pause when I am at the point where I can drop massed ground Starfighters and destroy everything that isn't a turbolaser tower or another AA unit without taking losses. Which is a good thing.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Changing ship availability for AI
« on: September 09, 2017, 02:51:40 AM »
In a different mod I massively increased the cost of SSDs(like x100) in the xml and I saw them much less often. Maybe was a bit too easy, but it did serve its purpose as a workaround.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.2 Demo Feedback
« on: May 02, 2017, 10:41:34 PM »
I'd prefer the Praetor to keep it's range. It is the only thing that makes defending not absolutely cut and dry. When the Praetors come into range and start tearing down my Golans, to keep them intact I have to risk moving ships away from them towards the enemy to draw fire and eliminate anti-fighter threats before coming down on it with bombers. Ground based weaponry is also already quite a bit of a problem for them since Ion Cannon strips their shields outright and I'd imagine the HV can cripple one with repeated shots.

The Lounge / Why is this board not called 'The Cantina'?
« on: April 27, 2017, 11:26:37 PM »
More fitting for a Star Wars centric board, no?

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: April 27, 2017, 11:22:36 PM »
Algieba is useful and has it's roots firmly planted in reality.

Calculus I still is somewhat grounded but Calculus II is like trying to build on the thousand story scaffolding that is Calc II and by that point you can't even see the ground, you're off in space.

The reasoning behind not being able to use our calculators to do most of the work for us is also questionable. The same professors would also champion the statement "work smarter, not harder" if asked if they agree with it.

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Dummy Trade Ships
« on: April 27, 2017, 11:12:23 PM »
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean but if you're suggesting giving trade ships abilities it is possible I suppose.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: NR's Multi-purpose ships
« on: April 25, 2017, 11:09:47 PM »
I don't really see the point of that considering that the NR does have a large list of almost useless frigates (which ships depends on fleet tactics). Depending on ship to ship firepower VS fighters VS shielding. Though last I checked the Dreadnaught was in large supply for the NR...

In addition I apologize for any past rudeness sometimes I get agitated and lash out passive aggressively on forums.

Thirdly I was reading up on Thrawn for an idea for a new mechanic in Ascendancy (Dummy Trading Ships) and noticed that Thrawn considered the Chimera outgunned by four Assault Frigates. While I can't calculate the DPS myself due to a lack of ability to read the mod's code, I can compare the raw number of guns.

So the question is of course then, should a group of double the pop cap of Assault Frigates be able to outgun an ISD2 with leader bonuses? As a side note, I guess Thrawn was really scared of those Proton Torpedoes. As an additional side note, according to Wookiepedia Assault Frigates carried these things on them. If the Assault Frigate really does need a buff, how about boarding parties eh? If that's in the base game. As a third side note, despite the umbilical docking cords not working in hyperspace Assault Frigates in 2.1 did carry X-Wings which can hyperspace on their own.

The point is variety and lore reasons that have already been described, detailing the crew requirements of the Assault Frigate compared to the standard Dreadnaught.

To answer your question...

From a balance perspective, no, a capital ship like an ISD is supposed to excel at fighting other ships(unless we're getting into even larger numbers of assault frigates). That and the fact that the assault frigate is *drumroll*-


In game depending on if the Chimera was player controlled it would go something like this: Chimera focuses on one AF until shields drop and takes down turbolaser hardpoints and repeats with the 3 other ships until no threat remains. From a lore perspective, it would probably still have to hyperspace out because it's fighter complement would have been destroyed completely by that time, but not until destroying the Assault Frigates. From a gameplay perspective, it would win because the game doesn't count 'carried' starfighters as having units on the playing field(at least for TIE Fighters and such it doesn't).

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: April 23, 2017, 05:17:56 PM »
an excerpt from one of my favorite songs for you~

i wake up the in the morning sinking halfway to the bottom
theres a loud distorted screaming in my soul
everything is dark and empty and i dont know how to fix it
so i curl up in a ball and cry in the comfort of my home

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.2 Demo Feedback
« on: April 21, 2017, 10:48:16 PM »
I'd like to make a remark to Brig and say T3Bs are better then T4Bs and T4B lasers are terrible, the proton torpedoes, higher speed, and higher laser damage is fun. I'm assuming they're unchanged from 21.

X-Wings on the ground are... Strange. Health and less damage compared to a TIE fighter (wut) cost more then an Escort Carrier (makes sense) and the Skyhopper has shielding (wait what) where as the X-Wing doesn't.

ARC-170's do not make sense to me, despite being a 20 year old ship they have stronger hulls and shielding compared to X-Wings. Unless this is canonical I am stumped. In addition they appear to move faster then Rebel Y-Wings and are able to penetrate a CR90's shielding in one pass and destroy it in one pass with two squads, where as the modern New Republic Y-Wing cannot penetrate the shielding in one pass of a CR90.

The False 181st despite being composed of average pilots, droids, and a hologram actor survived the onslaught of two Assualt Frigates and 10 X-Wings all ganging up on it, despite being a TIE-Fighter hero.

The lasers and missiles of the T3B and T4B are exactly the same. Whatever difference in performance you believe them to have is imagined. I've since modified my T3Bs to be slower, have more HP and swapped their projectiles for the ones the AV turrets use and increased the speed of the T4Bs.  I might have tweaked the pulse count per burst as well for the T4Bs so I'm not 100% certain but I believe they also have less firepower than the T3b in the laser department and definitely less than the T4b when it comes to the rockets. They fire 6 missiles every time they fire, T3b only fires 4.

If Old Republic At War wasn't an unfinished, imbalanced, buggy mess it would be my favorite on account of the era. But it is so my vote goes to ICW.

Infantry dies even faster in that mod to general purpose light vehicles than infantry dies to dedicated anti-infantry tanks in ICW.

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Mon Calamari Ship Discussion
« on: April 18, 2017, 05:33:57 AM »
Have some comments on other stuff, but just quickly gonna clear up a misconception first:

This is because "burst count" is purely for graphical effects, it has absolutely nothing to do with damage. you could change everything to burst counts of 200 and still would get the same damage out of it. So, pulse counts being 2 on the ISD don't actually mean it's weaker than if you have the same damage stats on another ship with a pulse count of four. It just means you're seeing more graphical effects.

It's basically a performance thing. This way, there's almost no CPU work involved in damage calcs. It's given the distance, the damage of the total package, the number of targets it needs to get divided between (which is almost always single-target), and the speed of the "packet", and it backloads the damage to when the projectiles should roughly be hitting, but this way it doesn't have to parcel out the damage to each particle and check if that particle actually hit.

Thank you for clearing that up. I was going to mention that I could be wrong if this specifically was the case but it slipped my mind.

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Mon Calamari Ship Discussion
« on: April 18, 2017, 03:14:07 AM »
As for the MC80b I didn't realize it's ion bolt could interrupt damaging abilities(I'm looking at you Sovereign dreadnaught). I'll definitely keep a few handy for those now.

The MC90's armament layout is strange. It has front, right, left turbo laser batteries. Front being the most damaging set, naturally. Which is only a tad more damaging than the MC80's and significantly less than the MC80b's. Additionally, the ion cannons it possesses do not fire from the front. It only has left and right banks of ion cannons. Now in this case it is of little consequence to to the MC90 due to their tankiness and close-quarters ability which usually lands then in the thick of things.

The MC30c is quite the slugger in terms of damage output. Easily rivals the BAC in that department. Exceeds it when destroying space stations and other installations.

Edit: removed dumbness

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Dodge Chance on Neb-B/Assault Frigate
« on: April 17, 2017, 11:59:35 AM »
I'm not sure where you're coming from with the 400% increase.  Since the ability offers a 75% damage reduction, 75% of incoming damage should be taken away.  That would mean the effective hit points of the ship's hull and shields should increase by 75%, meaning from 5,150 to 9012.5.

Erm, that's not how percent damage reduction works. Your calculations are what it would look like if the ability gave a 75% increase to shield and armor health.

At a 75% reduction every 4 points of damage taken is deducted as 1 damage. Making the 5,150 combined shield and armor health need four times as much raw damage to grind down.

Hence 400% increase. 1/(1-% damage reduction) * (shield+health)

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Boarding Parties
« on: April 15, 2017, 04:25:26 PM »
If a PA player upgraded a Praetor with increased damage, then a NR player captured it, could they use the Smuggler's Den buff to increase it further?

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: Dodge Chance on Neb-B/Assault Frigate
« on: April 15, 2017, 04:23:45 PM »
corey pls nerf

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