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Messages - FatherSarge

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Yea, this one is very straight forward. Tested it twice now, if you bum rush the era advances you can make it to five. However it is much easier to control this as the IR.

I just played a game as the Hand and I think Palpatine was killed by one of the other factions but the era never advanced (Art of War) as it did when I was the IR and sacrificed Palpy. I had a few fleets scouring the galaxy for him but couldn't find him. Is there something special about Palpatine that makes him hide on planets? I was really hoping I'd have to go up against the Eclipse...

Ah that must be it. The Chiss and pentastar have long since been dealt with. I didn't realize that was still an issue but I'm going off the 2.0 known issue thread.

If you need an extra body to test it let me know ;)

Issue has since become unresolved. Started happening with Imperial Thrawn. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it'll happen with any of the heroes that advance the Eras...

Basically what happens is if the hero is killed during a battle the game crashes. Something to due with advancing the eras maybe?

I'm playing the art of war GC. This mod is the only mod that has altered anything in the data folder, although I do have that clone wars 4.0 installed but that shouldn't be causing the issue.

I have narrowed down the symptoms slightly. It has something to do with the palpatine hero. He worked before in space combat but now it seems that any battle he is involved in will cause the game to get this exception. In the case of a manual battle, you can play the tactical side but when the battle ends (win/lose) you get the exception

EDIT: Issue Resolved

It looks like it may have had something to do with the data file. I replaced the current one I had with my original backup and while none of my saves work anymore, I have tested palpatine and he functions without the exception. I'll post here again if the issues comes about again. Thanks for the insight and help.

First, let me say I am extremely impressed with this mod. Single handedly it has taken up about 10 hours of my life and I couldn't be more pleased with it.

The issue I am having may be related to the mod or it might just be the base game, I'm hoping one of you can shed some light on how to fix it. The problem has occurred with the IR but I haven't played other factions long enough to see if this issue develops with them. I've reached a point in the game (week 98) where whenever I attempt combat, both manual and auto-resolve, the game gets the following exception:

"Exception occurred at 0051A32A - Unknown code pointer"

I'm running the steam EaW Gold version on a 64-bit rig. If you would like my save file or the exception or log file just let me know. Thanks for the assistance

Pages: [1]
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