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Messages - bobafett99

Pages: [1]
So whenever I try to run the 1.1 update, it says it can't find forces of corruption or empire at war, and to reinstall and try again. I did this.... But it still won't run. I have a feeling that's why my multiplayer lobby keeps freezing, and I really want to play TR multiplayer. This is a legitimate , no-crack, gold pack install.

No. It's legitimate. :( It's installed in my x86 program files. should it just be in program files or something????

downloaded it... but when i launch it, it says that my empire at war and foc files are not found :( it says to re-install. I did, and it still says that :(

Okay... so I got it working, but the multiplayer lobby freezes.... any suggestions

Look at my thread about the same thing
it worked

I did that, but also installed an update for my graphics card driver... not sure which helped it worked, but it works now... THANK YOU

Already Tried that...

Whenever I try to launch FOC with mods or not, it brings up a dialog box saying this program is not compatible withe the OS, and I should use Windows 98, 2000, or better. WTF? I've installed the RAM patch as well

Pages: [1]
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