« on: October 13, 2016, 01:10:30 PM »
Hi there
It's one of my first post here. Just want to say a big thank to the makers of the mod. I have spent many hours playing it and i'm grateful for all you did for all those years. Sorry for my bad english, it's my 3rd language.
As a fanatic Imperial player, I had some things i wanted to suggest to make the game a little bit better. Don't know if it's possible but here it is.
All my games goes like this (I always play the GC without the empire of the hand scenario): adjust my line to keep a strong defensive line around the core: use Lusankya to give the pentastar allignement a beating and reunify the Empire. But the Rebels are never up to the task of making a strong opponent after and it's simply a long clean up with tons of the least interesting aspect of the core game: land battles.
My idea is this: the main reason that the Empire didn't destroy the Republic after Endor is it's instability. Of course there is warlord in the campaign but...Is it possible to see new warlord forming their own empire each time a leader/era change?
For exemple: let's assume I have 5 IDS II, a SSD and some other supporting vessels around Correlia. Isard get herself killed and era 2 kicks in. Could there be a random chance that the admiral of this potent fleet decide he doesn't want anything to do with Thrawn? We could see some fleet and planet seceding from the empire, wrecking the supply and production chain you organised and costing you time and ressource to try to salvage the situation. Certainly a scenario realist for the legend time line and a welcome challenge for the human player.