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Messages - cjc070

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Star Wars Discussion / Re: Grand Admiral Zaarin's Coup Attempt
« on: June 30, 2013, 02:34:12 AM »
Indeed it would be, why there hasn't been already is beyond me.

The problem as I see it is that during the hieght of the Empire TIE pilots were seen as expendable.  In the second Han Solo Trilogy Mako is quoted as saying that the only reason they were not dead was because they were no longer TIE Pilots.  Unless you looked at say the 181st which was explored in the Rogue Squadron comic book series I feel there was nothing more to add.  Also remember the X-wing series explores how the Empire shows that a daring risk will never result in a reward only pain and death so really the TIE series would only result in the characters death, defection, or no change which sounds a little boring if you ask me.

In the end Zaarin would fail because he did not pocess the man power or political know how to actually fight a real war.  If he did assasinate the Emperor all that would happen is the Warlords would come out of the woodwork faster.

Actually he had a decent grasp of strategy. Evidenced by his management of both sides of the Clone Wars, the ability to maintain his rule for 19 years suppressing opposition before it arose and his contingency plans in the event of his death point to a devious and complex mind. He employed many truly great strategists and recognized tactical worth. That being said his major weakness was actually from his Sith training. His belief that sheer terror and power coupled with manipulation were the keys to long term stability.

The TIE Interceptors were very good fighters that were decent quality and cheap to make, in competent hands a TIE could beat an X wing hands down. The main point of the Empire's fleet strategy was large scale suppression using the ISDs to deal with planets and assaults with the fighters there mainly to screen the main line ships. This can be an effective strategy when fighting fleets or governing large expanses of territory but it makes chasing down Rebels who use the "Stateless Strategy" very difficult. The ISD was by and by the most widely used and competent ship produced by any of the factions in the Galactic Civil war.

As for a barely armed sheet of toilet paper I assume you mean the Superweapons? The First Death Star fell prey to the acts of Luck and Vader's idiotic plan to let the rebels have the plans without altering them in any way or just killing the heroes as they tried to fly off the Death Star. The Second was not completed, it did not share the same flaw as the first one and actually had some interesting conventional uses in war as well as terror. The Tarkin, Eye of Palpatine, Death Star Prototype, and Sun Crusher were mere prototypes that were not meant to be deployed on a full scale military level until finished with testing(as they never were) The World Devastators WERE unstoppable and carried out their task very efficiently but were stopped by let's face it a crap plot device. The Eclipse I and II were magnificent weapons of war that were again victims of plot devices as they and the Sovereigns could hold their own against a fleet without support. Each served a specific purpose and were only destroyed due to the fact the Heroes ALWAYS win in the end so the things had to be stopped in increasingly unbelievable ways. Personally I think the superweapons far from being wastes when coupled with proper military support or tactics were very effective and creative.

Actually the reason why R2-D2 did kicked the World Devastators ass is because Palapatine allowed it. he thought he was playing both sides as he was in the Clone Wars but because he underestimated both Luke and Leia and a certain astromech droid he was defeated.  Although the writers did not know this at the time it can be excused as such. 

Also the Dark Empire comic book series I found was a little over the top (I mean NO ONE heard about the Eclipse or World Devastator or Galaxy Gun in the 7 years after the Battle of Endor).  Heck even Timothy Zahn didn't like it he implied it when Mara Jade did not believe that the clone Emperor was real (you can read it in the Thrawn Duology).

My vote goes to Thrawn because he anticipated the Yuuzhan Vong war and how to fight it before anyone else.  Even the Emperor himself.  Also he only used his skills when necessary because even he recognized that he would not live forever and he wanted the Imperials to be ready for war. 

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: 2.1 and You
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:09:57 PM »
Have you considered using a Agave Picket Ship to replace the Corellian Corvette in later ERAs and maybe have the Marauder Cruiser in PA.  No reason to have the PA just have Imperial warships.  Also could you make the Marauder Cruiser slightly less 3200 credits is a bit much.

I dont know if this is a bug or not but there are no space heroes for the pentastar alignment, also shouldn't the vindicator and enforcer cruisers carry fighters or is this intentional?


While I'm not opposed to Carnor (abilities can't be done how you're suggesting, if they don't have an animation he'll lock up), I am opposed to the guards. Lore-wise, they're not really footsoldiers. As units though, they've always fallen flat and been useless traps/credit black holes. Melee units in EaW tend to be absolute trash, the reason Jedi work is their ability to reflect/deflect blaster bolts and to heal. Otherwise it just turns into kite city and they get immediately mowed down unless you make them absurdly tanky. They're just not good.

If you think that the Royal Guard in the Empire at War stink why don't you use the stormtrooper template make it red and update the stats to make them better fighters.  And if you want to stick to the lore give them the same treatment as the Katanna Dreadnaught.

What I have read was that the Dreadnaught had longer range and the Assault Frigate had a stronger punch but was considered a superior vessel because of Imperials attempting to take them.

But I agree with how they show the two in the game the Dreadnaught is slower but packs a meaner punch.  I still think the Assault Frigate has it all in the looks department.

FYI all this information is brought to you by Wookieepedia.  Wiki rocks.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Assault Frigate vs Dreadnaught
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:09:29 PM »
I know I am nicpicking but why is the Assault Frigate less expensive than the Dreadnaught.  Shouldn't the Assault Frigate cost more since it is a modified version of the Dreadnaught (ex. Imperial Star Destroyer vs Imperial II Star Destroyer).

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: bothan assault cruisers
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:01:02 PM »
Have you considered era vs era (example: era 4 imperial vs era 3 new republic) or would this be to hard.

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