I think it would be pretty cool if there's a GC where you lead the Criminal Underworld as Darth Maul and Savage Opress.
My General idea for how this would work is like a story based GC were it would be like how the entire Darth Maul and Savage Opress Clone Wars Story Arc happened.
First, you'd start off with just Maul and Savage who had just allied themselves with Clan Pre Vizsla and the rest of Death Watch (you'd be given basic Mandolorian warriors and Tech (I.E. Mandolorian troopers (have the ability to use a jet pack) whatever is the equivalent to rocket troopers/PLEX-Missile Soldiers, Mandolorian Vehicles, then their Star-Fighters and heroes.)
Then as you start conquering planets, you get a pop up message of Pre Vizsla saying that you need to get the Black Sun to join you and in order to do that, you need to capture the planet with Maul and Savage and some Ground Troops. Once you've done that you'll have gained access to Black Sun ground troops, vehicles, tech, and space units along with their heroes.
And then after having conquered a few more planets and fighting off BOTH the Republic and CIS forces, Pre Vizsla will come up again in another pop-up saying that the Pyke Syndicate are offering to join your cause if you met them at a certain planet, which is somewhere inside CIS or Republic Territory and you have to build up a space force to get to that planet (unless already conquered the planet, you have) and by then, the Pyke Syndicate (you gain their Troops, Vehicles, Space units, heroes, all that good Jazz) will be under your control and you will have Formed the Shadow Collective and then you just have to eliminate the Republic and the CIS in order to win the game/Galactic Conquest.
Sorry this is a long post, but here's my story Idea. It can be used if needed in FoTR (which it probably won't but it was worth a shot) or turned into a Sub-Mod, I don't care just as long as you credit me in the Sub-Mod (FoTR doesn't need to credit me, the honor will have been mine).