If you go into corruption/Data/XML or corruption/Data/Scripts, is there anything there?
I'm not too sure what I'm looking for but in curruption/data/scripts there are 5 folders
AI - FreeStore - GameObject - Library - Story, most of these containing numberous .bak files and .lua files most of them being in the GameObject and AI folders.
In the XML Folder there is an AI Folder and 5 XML Documents:
Expansions_Factions.xml - FactionsFiles.xml - Factions - GameConstants.xml - GraphicDetails.xml. Inside the AI Folder is more folders in which more XML's are stored.
I can provide more info or upload some screenshots to imgur if you need to have a look at whats there but it all looks like basic game files.
EDIT: I've done some more testing with another Mod, Rise of the Mandolarians and I've found that this crash happens there as well, So i think I can rule out this being down to your mod and is down to something on my end but I cant figure out what. I'll do some more testing by reinstalling the RaW mod and see if this crash happens here too. Sorry for wasting your time.
EDIT 2: I even went so far as to delete the contents again and I reinstalled the game in a Fresh Folder on my other SSD a newer 1TB Samsung 850 EVO and I get the same results there as well. Perhaps this is a windows 10 problem?