What if it was an air based unit (not transport other units) that would alow him to move quickly around the map and act in away that alows for tactical advantage. eg looking for places to place bottle necks, like a General would do to give their troops the advantage.
very good point Death i like your idea but he would be very powerful with all that. i say take away the commandos or engineers. If not he could take over a planet on his own if you know how to use him.
He would be a urai fen kinda dude. I can take a planet on with just Fen.
I think you should ditch the battle platform, fist of all.
maybe you should give him a combat bonus and stick him in/as an A-A5 or an HTT. He could even come with a few engineers and commanos in that case (sounds like his kind of thing)
There's been a lot of discussion amongst the team about what to do for him on land, seeing as he was a General. We can't decide, so we want to know what you all think.
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