I play NR more than any other faction, and my favorite ship in their arsenal is the Majestic Heavy Cruiser. I like how it does everything pretty well, with good damage and range against capitals, shields, and starfighters, as well as making a good tank. However, looking at all the different strategies for NR, most of them seem to focus around the MC90. Is the Majestic that bad compared to other Capital Ships? (it is still a capital, right?) I thought I remember people saying it was really overpowered before 2.2.Can someone explain to me it's strengths and weaknesses compared to Mon Cal Capital Ships?
They brought the Mon Cal forward and you can build them earlier. They only cost 5 fleet points vs 10, think of them as a super cruiser (like a VSD) as opposed to a capital ship.
I'm not sure what the best fleet composition with them is. I use 3 or 4 of them + support craft. MC 90's cost 10 fleet points I use them but I don't love them.