Thanks for making it clearer, the way you originally said it in chat just threw me off and made me confused. And it made me sound like a bumbling idiot. Guess thats what i get.
Both the Imperial UI and the NR UI use an outdated galaxy texture. The Imperial one is the 2.2 Demo texture, the NR one is the 2.15 galaxy texture. This has been left on purpose, because botht eh UI and the galaxy texture itself are both going to be redone entirely.
I was playing the Empire's End GC as the New Republic, and noticed, that the UI's galaxy texture is the old 2.1 one. Corey initially answered, and I accepted what he said. But my question is, was this done on purpose? Or an oversight?
Also Corey, and all other staff, great job, I love this mod. I'm so glad I found it.
And in hindsight, when I have questions I should do this and not use the chat (like the instructions say)
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