Posted by: GreyStar
« on: December 24, 2016, 10:37:04 PM »
So... Thanks to the ads on this site I am now aware of the next big Star Wars game they're releasing.
I'm sorry I corrected I mean misread that.
Star Wars: Force Arena.
A 1v1 or 2v2 PvP squad based MOBA... Instead of an RPG, a decent MMO that's more like the end game focused SWTOR before Fallen Empire*, and RPG like base SWTOR, or a goddamn decent either Class based FPS ala Battlefront 1 and 2, or actual customization based FPS ala Renegade and Elite Squadron, or a flight sim game like TIE, Rebel Strike, or the starfighter segments in SWTOR, or Galactic Star fighter in SWTOR. Or even getting into games I haven't played, a good platformer like Super Star Wars, or a more free RP MMO like Star Wars Galaxies.
And the reason I'm so pessimistic? Because it advertises upgradable units. You know how well that was done in SWTOR's GTS? It made the gamemode unplayable for newbs. I kept getting killed by Bombers with every OP ability in the book, or Strikefighters who just had a stastical advantage over me to the point I couldn't outrun them, I couldn't out tank them, and I couldn't out damage them.
On a side note it is a SQUAD based Moba so it will be less cancerous, I guess. Maybe.
*I only played SWTOR during the first five months, never bough Hutt Cartel and didn't finish more then Chapter 1 of the jedi Knight story. I only started playing it this summer and only recently finished Chapter 2 of the Agent story, and as such I can not state my feelings on the end game content, this description of the MMO's focus during that time period is only what I've read and heard and as such I cannot say this is certain and back it up with facts.